!msg/teslas-pierce-arrow-ev-experiment-of-1931/qbJrxIlCS1o/okeZizOmBQAJ This latest post at my Tesla 1931 Pierce-Arrow EV conversion demonstration concerns the ridiculousness of insisting on "Energy IN must equal Energy OUT" whenever applied to electricity. Our understanding of electricity is a delusional enterprise when we apply this dictum from physics to it. Electricity does not exist as an entity for it is merely a blend of magnetics and electrostatics over time. The only thing consumed, and not by us, is time. For time slips by; each moment replaced by the next making change over time possible. But we don't consume magnetics. We could destroy it if we overheated a permanent magnet. But that merely accelerates its aging process and is not relevant to expenditure of an electrical energy source. So consequently, the use of magnetics is a renewable/reusable resource. Electrostatics can also be reusable if we don't intend to convert it into current. In other words, if I put a capacitor inline with one terminal of a battery, then that capacitor effectively blocks the discharge of that battery. And if both are placed in an A/C circuit, then the battery merely lends its influence as a voltage source without being allowed to expend itself. This is known as D/C saturation of an A/C circuit. Since I'm getting my current from magnetics, I can afford to merely get voltage from electrostatics. These two sources are reusably free over limitless time. So long as we think of electricity in a vague sensibility, we allow electricity as a conceptual singularity when in fact it is a blend of these three ingredients of electrostatics and magnetics varying over time. These three ingredients are freely available. It's time which is limited. Time is not free since we lose it no sooner than we gain it. Thus, we may consider that time is the only expendable product in any energy equation -- especially since so much of energy mechanics is translatable. For instance, mechanics is directly translatable into electrodynamics. So, energy is not free since it does not exist as we know it. But its constituent ingredients are freely reusable except for time. So, time is the short- coming to free energy making free energy no longer free since we pay for time lost whether or not we use time. So, free energy does not exist. Yet, free electricity does exist if we ignore time. Thus, free energy is a delusional state of mind to which we are all collectively subject.