The trick is to eliminate the prohibition against the study of free voltage since free energy can readily arise from voltage by supplying somewhere for voltage to drain to, such as: a ground or a self-short. But deregulating nuclear power will produce more plutonium for more nuclear warheads to defend, what? Our prohibition against free voltage? Yeah, obviously we’re maintaining the problem if we go the route which you suggest. Voltage can be had from anywhere in space by employing the use of an open transmission line concept/approach to its extraction. And reactance can accelerate the duration it will take to accumulate enough potential to run an EV. And a shorted transmission line concept will convert that accumulation of voltage into current giving us watts. Voila! Free energy from freely available voltage derived from empty space making use of severe reactance, ie. the reversal of current, to make it practical. Why aren’t we studying this? ‘Cuz it ain’t good for the economy! Yet, it’s good for us. A famous man once said, “Man is not made for the Sabbath; the Sabbath was made for man.” Likewise, … We are not slaves to money. For if we are, then our goose is cooked!