error on your webpage You have an error on your webpage... [ How to patent a perpetual motion machine (] For, it was 1921 and the Ammann brothers had just demonstrated their batteryless EV on the streets of downtown Denver with two newspapers there to document the occasion... [[c:File:Ammann Bros. newspaper article.jpg|]] One of the two brothers failed to get a patent, not for lack of trying, but for getting arrested and charged with “[[#An_Example_of_Domestic_Terrorism|stealing energy from the grid|]]” when he drove his batteryless EV into the jurisdiction of Washington, D.C., on his way to the Patent Office. Sounds like the brothers were getting acknowledgement, in a roundabout sort of way, for successfully creating a device which required no batteries to run their EV? The error is that it is impossible to isolate systems of energy from their surroundings. Hence, perpetual motion machines are not possible, not due to the laws of physics, but because the laws of physics, which define Conservation of Energy and thermodynamics, are predicated upon a fictional assumption that – what was intended as a mere hypothesis for alleviating the difficulty of accounting for all of the energy of a system – has been converted into a Law as if it was also applicable to the physical world. When I wrote [ my submission for a provisional patent], I took the position that energy accountability of every single component in an electrical system had to be accounted for – especially, if that device purported to be overunity. So, I did analysis on various devices, beginning with a simple simulation of a flashlight circuit, to assess whether or not energy output was less or greater than energy input and hopefully also be able to make a determination as to where did this extra energy come from or disappear to. I failed to make that determination. Some circuits do appear to possess an output which is less or more than their input. But there are no clues as to where that extra energy disappears to or comes from. It's no small wonder that physics turns a blind eye to this mystery. But Washington, D.C., solved the problem by arresting C. Earl Ammann a century ago for stealing public property. Maybe that's the solution to this mystery of physics which has not ceased to intrigue people. There are many inventions on YouTube claimed to be overunity. Maybe they are overunity. And maybe it is their unique style of reactance which pumps energy into those devices from somewhere outside of themselves using reversal of current to accomplish their task of increasing their internal differences of voltage against the natural order of entropy? Who knows?