Normally, we're told that frequency varies inversely to amplitude. So, when the frequency drops, the amplitude escalates. Or, when the frequency increases, the amplitude decreases. This is a lie in as much as it isn't always true. In my overunity circuit experiments, frequency varies directly with amplitude. This behavior is exactly similar to the gas laws in which temperature varies directly with pressure. Now, in this circuit... The central input voltage is a flat DC non-wave of one micro volt which allows this circuit to govern its own rate of the development of its frequency. But, in this circuit... The central input voltage is an AC sine wave of one micro volt. At frequencies of 1e+6 cycles per second, or less, the circuit takes over and escalates its amplitude at its own natural tendency. But at frequencies of 1e+7 cycles per second, or greater, the sine wave generator takes over and dictates the growth rate of the amplitude of this circuit.