Sacred Square Cuts Among Even-Sided Polygons >> Search range is from 2 to 5 << 2p 8-Gon Angle No.1, {Sin(45° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 0.76536686473018 Angle No.2, {Sin(90° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.41421356237309 Angle No.3, {Sin(135° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.84775906502257 Angle No.4, {Sin(180° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 2 When the reciprocal of Angle No.1 (1.30656296487638) is multiplied by Angle No.3 (1.84775906502257), then this equals the length of a diagonal: 2.41421356237309. Likewise, when Angle No.1 (0.76536686473018) is multiplied by the reciprocal of Angle No.3 (0.541196100146197), then this yields the length of another diagonal: - 0.414213562373095. And when the first diagonal is divided by the second diagonal, and when the negation of the second diagonal is divided by the first diagonal, then this yields the two roots of a quadratic polynomial: {2.41421356237309, - 0.414213562373095} = x^2 - 2x - 1. 3p 12-Gon Angle No.1, {Sin(30° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 0.517638090205041 Angle No.2, {Sin(60° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1 Angle No.3, {Sin(90° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.41421356237309 Angle No.4, {Sin(120° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.73205080756888 Angle No.5, {Sin(150° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.93185165257814 Angle No.6, {Sin(180° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 2 When the reciprocal of Angle No.1 (1.93185165257814) is multiplied by Angle No.3 (1.41421356237309), then this equals the length of a diagonal: 2.73205080756888. Likewise, when Angle No.3 (1.41421356237309) is multiplied by the reciprocal of Angle No.5 (0.517638090205041), then this yields the length of another diagonal: - 0.732050807568877. And when the first diagonal is divided by the second diagonal, and when the negation of the second diagonal is divided by the first diagonal, then this yields the two roots of a quadratic polynomial: {2.73205080756888, - 0.732050807568877} = x^2 - 2x - 2. When the reciprocal of Angle No.1 (1.93185165257814) is multiplied by Angle No.5 (1.93185165257814), then this equals the length of a diagonal: 3.73205080756888. Likewise, when Angle No.1 (0.517638090205041) is multiplied by the reciprocal of Angle No.5 (0.517638090205041), then this yields the length of another diagonal: + 0.267949192431123. And when the first diagonal is divided by the second diagonal, and when the negation of the second diagonal is divided by the first diagonal, then this yields the two roots of a quadratic polynomial: {3.73205080756888, + 0.267949192431123} = x^2 - 4x + 1. When the reciprocal of Angle No.3 (0.707106781186548) is multiplied by Angle No.5 (1.93185165257814), then this equals the length of a diagonal: 1.36602540378444. Likewise, when Angle No.1 (0.517638090205041) is multiplied by the reciprocal of Angle No.3 (0.707106781186548), then this yields the length of another diagonal: - 0.366025403784439. And when the first diagonal is divided by the second diagonal, and when the negation of the second diagonal is divided by the first diagonal, then this yields the two roots of a quadratic polynomial: {1.36602540378444, - 0.366025403784439} = 2x^2 + 2x - 1. 5p 20-Gon Angle No.1, {Sin(18° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 0.312868930080462 Angle No.2, {Sin(36° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 0.618033988749895 Angle No.3, {Sin(54° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 0.907980999479093 Angle No.4, {Sin(72° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.17557050458495 Angle No.5, {Sin(90° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.41421356237309 Angle No.6, {Sin(108° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.61803398874989 Angle No.7, {Sin(126° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.78201304837674 Angle No.8, {Sin(144° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.90211303259031 Angle No.9, {Sin(162° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 1.97537668119028 Angle No.10, {Sin(180° ÷ 2)} x 2 = 2 When the reciprocal of Angle No.2 (1.61803398874989) is multiplied by Angle No.6 (1.61803398874989), then this equals the length of a diagonal: 2.61803398874989. Likewise, when Angle No.2 (0.618033988749895) is multiplied by the reciprocal of Angle No.6 (0.618033988749895), then this yields the length of another diagonal: + 0.381966011250105. And when the first diagonal is divided by the second diagonal, and when the negation of the second diagonal is divided by the first diagonal, then this yields the two roots of a quadratic polynomial: {2.61803398874989, + 0.381966011250105} = x^2 - 3x + 1. When the reciprocal of Angle No.2 (1.61803398874989) is multiplied by Angle No.10 (2), then this equals the length of a diagonal: 3.23606797749979. Likewise, when Angle No.6 (1.61803398874989) is multiplied by the reciprocal of Angle No.10 (0.5), then this yields the length of another diagonal: - 1.23606797749979. And when the first diagonal is divided by the second diagonal, and when the negation of the second diagonal is divided by the first diagonal, then this yields the two roots of a quadratic polynomial: {3.23606797749979, - 1.23606797749979} = x^2 - 2x - 4. When the reciprocal of Angle No.4 (0.85065080835204) is multiplied by Angle No.8 (1.90211303259031), then this equals the length of a diagonal: 1.61803398874989. Likewise, when Angle No.4 (1.17557050458495) is multiplied by the reciprocal of Angle No.8 (0.525731112119134), then this yields the length of another diagonal: - 0.618033988749895. And when the first diagonal is divided by the second diagonal, and when the negation of the second diagonal is divided by the first diagonal, then this yields the two roots of a quadratic polynomial: {1.61803398874989, - 0.618033988749895} = x^2 - x - 1. When the reciprocal of Angle No.6 (0.618033988749895) is multiplied by Angle No.10 (2), then this equals the length of a diagonal: 1.23606797749979. Likewise, when Angle No.2 (0.618033988749895) is multiplied by the reciprocal of Angle No.10 (0.5), then this yields the length of another diagonal: - 3.23606797749979. And when the first diagonal is divided by the second diagonal, and when the negation of the second diagonal is divided by the first diagonal, then this yields the two roots of a quadratic polynomial: {1.23606797749979, - 3.23606797749979} = x^2 + 2x - 4.