Corrections to Compensate for my Erroneous
Mirrors of Paul Falstad’s Electronic Simulator and and
Series Resistance in Inductors and Capacitors

Please enter two parameters for inductors followed by one parameter for capacitors separated
by a single space in between each parameter: inductance wireGauge equivalentSeriesResistance(ESR)

For example, I have entered the numeric values of: 5mH and 25AWG (for an inductor)
and 10milli-ohms of ESR (for a capacitor) in the following input box, below. . .

Formula for converting wire gauge. . .
The new wire gauge will equal –8.68589 times the natural logarythm
of the inductance minus the old wire gauge plus 50.103.

Formula for converting equivalent series resistance (ESR). . .
The new ESR (of capacitors) will equal 1 divided by the old ESR

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Learn about the mathematical theory behind this webpage: Theory of Compensation