I am going to anthropomorphically explain a few salient features of electrodynamics in terms of the Ayurvedic system of medicine residing in India...{although much older than India’s existence dating back to the days of Atlantis where the Vedas were also located - for the Vedas are eternal and not of human origin}

My explanation is a methodical progression beginning with a recent personal insight garnered from my need to purge myself of food poisoning.

The ingestion of pure Borax improves elimination. It can also be said to be highly effective at improving the emptying of the intestines[1] - whenever beleaguered with food poisoning, yet without the inconvenience of diarrhea.

The ingestion of pure Borax may be accomplished by several methods, including - but not limited to: inhalation of a watery solution from an ultrasonic humidifier serving as a general tonic, or its oral consumption in a dilute dissolution within an acidic medium, such as orange juice, or else blended with salt, and serving as a specific remedy.

I define "pure Borax" as having always been stored in non-paper (not cardboard) containers such as the plastic bags which the company known as Soap Goods[2] sells them in. This is in contra-distinction to the Twenty Mule Team brand-name of Borax which absorbs all of the artificial fragrances that leak out of the various laundry detergents stored alongside it within warehouse distribution centers due to the porosity of its cardboard box.

What is "elimination"?

According to Ayurveda, "prana"
is their generalized term which designates the life force. This singular life-force is understood to possess five specific qualities.

Apana is a vector which points downward along the spinal column towards the tail end of an organism. This qualifies "elimination". It is associated with water[3] (fasting), erroneously dubbed "electron drift", more accurately defined as the magneto-static force of electromagnetic pressure (not current flow; I have several people to thank for this distinction; William Beaty[4] is one of them; Franco Bruno Cortelleti is another[5] [6] ) pointing towards the cathode terminal of a diode.

Udaana (the double "aa" indicates a doubling of duration of its pronunciation) is a vector which points upward along the spinal column towards the head of an organism. This qualifies "thoughts" and the thinking process. It is associated with: the dielectric medium of glass and its associated electrostatic potential, the yogic perfection of human levitation, aether drift,[7] [8] and the electrostatic pressure pointing towards the anode terminal of a diode.

Vyana is circulation = what we commonly (and loosely and vaguely) call electrical current, or more accurately is a pair of modern distinctions defined as electromotive force versus its complimentary displacement current.[9] It is associated with metallic materials, such as aluminum, copper and iron.

Samaana is digestion and is associated with: silk, and the explosive force of electrical reactance. This explosive force is a "double-edged sword" of either expansive or contractive change in the amplitude of electrical energy at logarithmic rates of change directly impacting the potential energy of frequency, capacitive reactance, inductive reactance and impedance while having an indirect impact on kinetic amplitude via Power Factor Correction.[10]

Besides being a general term for all five qualities of Prana, Prana is also a specific term designating the "breath of life”. The "double-edged sword" of Samaana is delineated by the expansion or contraction of the breath and its associated synthesis or decomposition of electricity.[11] It is associated with plant sap and natural resins such as shellac.

The chakras[12] also play a role in their location along the spinal column...

Apana is seated in the root chakra located at the base of the spine - the Muladhara chakra - and associated with the urethra and the anus and vagina.

An important aside...

But if the Apana should reverse its direction and point upwards rather than downwards along spinal axis, then various disorders may result, such as: hiccups, coughing, sneezing, yawning, vomiting, and the self-fulfilling legacy of alcoholism and its reinforcement through its motivational symptoms of withdrawal. These symptoms make it extremely difficult to resist the temptation to resolve these symptoms by simply drinking more alcohol due to ingrained programming of a very strong emotional conviction that only more ingestion of alcohol will solve the uncomfortable and dangerous symptoms of its withdrawal.

Alcoholism is an attempt made by the human to thwart the natural and innocent tendency for evolution, not merely by preserving the status quo of human consciousness, but by also blocking the higher energy centers associated with the sinus cavities (the Ajna chakra) and the crown chakra.

These two energetic pathways of the life-force make it possible for the human to converse with celestial beings (call them angels if you like), and facilitate our psychic connection with one another in one grand web of life.

The ingestion of Borax effectively prevents this reversal of Apana and is aided by the anti-autoimmune response of whole olive leaf powder.

There is nothing on the plane of existence associated with the Ajna chakra which cannot be intuited, inspired or imagined by human consciousness. This is where the human soul keeps a record of every single human incarnation associated with that specific divine entity in training who is crucified on his or her own cross of karma. But like any noteworthy crucible, nothing worthless can result for the soul forgets nothing while accumulating everything it needs to round out its development of characteristic virtue. This does not have to be a painful growth process - for the individual mind and intellect associated with a specific incarnation - if all duties are not ignored within each and every opportunistic moment for immediate growth.

Death takes the body. But it cannot take the consciousness of someone who has completely integrated the operation of the Sahasrara chakra located at the crown of the skull.

Vyana is seated in the reproductive organs associated with Svadhisthana chakra.

Samaana is seated in the digestive system and is associated with the Nabhi-Manipura chakra and the adrenal glands.

The breath is associated with the Anahata chakra located in the region of the heart and associated with the thymus gland.

Udaana is seated in the Vishuddhi chakra located in the throat and associated with the thyroid gland.

Diodes have an interesting history to their development over the past century...

One hundred years ago,[13] diodes could be constructed electrolytically by the use of a watery solution of either borax or baking soda and two electrodes. The anode was always aluminum while the cathode could be anything else other than aluminum - most commonly lead.

After a little bit of use, the aluminum would develop an oxide coating selectively preventing electron drift and encouraging aether drift.

The advent of vacuum tubes gave another historical twist before the development of semiconductors.


[1] catharsis definition at DuckDuckGo
[2] Soap Making Supplies - Soapgoods
[3] Odic force - Wikipedia
[4] William Beaty
[5] Franco Bruno Corteletti’s share of Franco Bruno Corteletti’s answer to What is electricity (without referring to invisible magical particles)? in Electrical Science
[6] Franco Bruno Corteletti’s answer to What is the decay ratio of electric displacement?
[7] Part 1: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science
[8] Part Two: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science
[9] Franco Bruno Corteletti’s share of Franco Bruno Corteletti’s answer to Why does electricity move at the speed of light? in Electrical Science
[10] power factor correction at DuckDuckGo
[11] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5fPR7Jc9u4&t=18m11s
[12] Chakra - Wikipedia
[13] Borax or Baking Soda Rectifier and the glow.