,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,75358801 My instance of LTspice IV, on my Windows XP laptop, does not fatally error on all "floating grounds". Maybe, yours does? {I cannot upgrade.} Hence, I do not post one circuit and test another. They are, both, one and the same. So, version #11 is an attempt to ground out all floating grounds. Yet, LTspice still gives errors of floating grounds on the inside of my poor solder joint immediately adjacent to a few of my newly instated grounds. So, as Lincoln has stated... "you can't please everyone all the time". Version #10 is an interesting anomaly in that the removal of one non-fatal ground (although this particular ground was fatal if not present within version #9) produces infinite explosion of parametric amplification in a span of zero duration from the start of its simulation. Now for some theoretical jump-roping... Correct me if I'm wrong... But I suspect that free energy, aka freely available reactance, is nothing more than the recycling of oscillatory energy. {Of the topic of direct current, I will not comment since I don't know how to apply the illustrations, below.} Just as we may recycle our soda cans, and our glass bottles, we may also recycle a significant portion of our electricity sufficiently enough to save on our power consumption (at the source of its generation) and, thus, shrink our power plants and our solar panels, etc, down to a size comparable to that of a solar panel on a pocket, or wallet, size calculator and still be able to satisfy the load requirements of a home or an electric car. We may be able to do this based on the contraction of the time frame of the oscillating force inherent within A/C power. Let's say that the force required to propel the A/C motor of an electric car along at 50 miles per hour (cruising speed) has its time-frame reduced to per minute yet retain its same level of oscillatory, electric force carried over from its prior state of a per hour time-frame. This is another way to state the recycling of reactance without violating the conservation of energy. We have effectively made it appear as if we have created energy out of thin air! But this is only due to those minds not gifted with this interpretation of the mechanics, involved. Namely, that the frequency of reactance is what we have as our goal for manipulation via the manipulation of the reactant fields of capacitors and coils. These fields are signified by their definitions: inductive reactance and capacitive reactance. And these reactant fields are mathematically equivalent to the physical parameters of induction and capacitance which we design and physically build into our coils and caps. This fact is elucidated by electrical reactance formulae and reiterated by the reactant impedance formula (whose images I pilfered from Wikipedia's article on "Electrical reactance")... So, no oral flatulence need arise from anyone so inclined to object to oscillatory free energy. With the right design, anything is possible. Electrical energy can be made to appear as if it has disappeared just as readily as it may appear out of seeming nothingness. This misperception is due to our focusing on space as the exclusive foundation for the existence of energy and its manipulation. We back up this misunderstanding by presuming that time is a fourth dimension tacked onto (appended to) the three dimensions of space as if time is of lesser importance than space (as if space were "a priori" to time). This is not true! Time is "a priori" to space. In other words, space cannot exist without time. Yet, time can exist without space in the form of non-changing bliss. This is something we, as humans, are totally capable of experiencing (to our own satisfaction) despite the inability for our machines and measuring devices from being capable of registering bliss. We are greater than the machines which we make and operate. We (humans) may practice yoga and experience the non-changing experience of blissful samadhi while our machines cannot do this to scientifically (independently) verify whether or not we are deluding ourselves. Once space is engaged with time, time becomes timeliness incorporating change into its definition along with all of the manifestations to which a changing world of time/space will accommodate, such as: energy, matter, etc. So, instead of saying: space/time, we should be saying: time/space to imply a more accurate "a priori" sequencing of these two features of existence.