I study health (since I was born weak and sickly) and free energy (better renamed: "freely available reactance" for accuracy's sake) and frequently post on Quora under the name of "Vin Yasi" and EnergeticForum under the name of "Vinyasi" and at archive.org under the name of "Gertrude Stein". Conservation of Energy is misleading since we're still using the same old term of "energy", but with an expanded understanding of all of the various types of energy available never suspecting that the original use of the term - as the original formulation of this law intended - was specifically regarding "heat" and with absolutely no relation, whatsoever, with any other form of energy, such as: electricity, nuclear power, etc. Hence, we should rename this law: "The Conservation of Heat" since calories were the only unit of measurement intended for this law to address back in those olden times. It turns out that we misapply this law when it is taken to mean any type of energy besides caloric since other types of energy often possess irrelevancies to this law. Take electrical reactance for instance. Electrical reactance cannot conserve itself over time. It must enlarge or contract its reactant magnitude at an exponential rate. But this has no direct impact upon energy. It's direct impact is upon the unit of time. Hence, the force propelling electricity through a circuit is still the same force. Only, its unit of time has become altered so that a kilowatt-hour becomes a kilowatt-minute or a kilowatt-day (to make up a few examples). The kilowatt component remains the same. It's the "per hour" component which has changed making it appear as if electricity has poofed itself into existence or else disappeared into nothingness! Obviously, these conclusions of ours are an aberration of our misguided perception. Time (in the form of frequency - a potential form of energy, and phase relations between current and voltage) and capacitance and inductance are the only factors to directly manipulate under the auspices of electrical reactance. This has an indirect impact on our perception of whatever magnitude of electricity is already resident within reach of these three factors without altering the magnitude of electricity (if we ignore time; the watts of electricity devoid of its timeliness). http://vinyasi.info/energy/electrical-reactance-is-a-self-fulfilling-proposition.jpg