The scope of energy is infinite potential.
The expression of energy is finite kinetics.

Electrostatics is the only way available for the transfer of energy across the vast dielectric of empty space with no time lag to speak of between celestial objects such as planets and stars and the centers of galaxies. Being hollow, they function like a one-sided capacitor in which the outside of the hollow sphere, or ellipse, encourages electromagnetics while the center of the sphere concentrates electrostatics transferred and distributed from larger celestial objects and apportioned among smaller celestial objects. This makes electromagnetic current a local phenomenon in the vicinity of the shell of a celestial object while electrostatics is the long-distance transport mechanism the universe makes use of which is highly efficient and suffers no losses other than the apparent loss of apportionment among smaller and smaller celestial objects.

The source for this electrostatic energy does not exist - per se - in space. It exists in timelessness. In other words, there is no definitive, ultimate source for energy to emanate from nor is there any definitive, ultimate target for energy to arrive at (despite this linear arrangement of electrostatic transfer) without requiring a loop to return the energy to any source (especially since electrostatics is a linear distribution methodology and not a circular one). Likewise, the goal of the distribution of electrostatic energy also has no ultimate target because there is no lowest limit to the size of celestial objects.

In other words, there is no absolute frame of reference for measuring the largeness of celestial objects any more than there is any absolute frame of reference for measuring the smallness of atomic or subatomic matter. Instead, there is no limit to how large a celestial object can be any more than there is any limit to how small atomic or subatomic matter can be. This makes the electrostatic distribution of energy infinite in scope and without a starting point for the distribution to take place nor an ultimate end point where it terminates. This is possible because the ultimate and essential nature of time is what the source and goal of this energy is, namely: timelessness.

The way to envision timelessness is to ask yourself what happens when phase relation and frequency are no longer relevant. This is when time loses its timeliness and becomes timelessness - an eternal now - without regard to yesterday, today or tomorrow (in other words, without regard to past, present or future) in which the eternal now is an endless scope comprising all of the past and future. This is misrepresented as the moment before the big bang as if a big bang could happen yesterday, or episodically (and repetitively) at some time in the future, when in fact it is always now.

If we were to look for the spatial source or goal of the distribution of electrostatic energy, we would not find them. This is why we cannot find the big bang in the past, nor in the future, because we are looking in the wrong places. It is always now, at the nonexistent upper spatial limit of space, where energy comes from (electrostatic energy) and it is also at the ever-present, but spatially nonexistent lower limit of size to where electrostatic energy is terminating its distribution at.

Just consider the big bang as an ever-present reality which never ends it's explosive events. It is always exploding out more energy from a point in space which does not exist. And, likewise, it's inverse - a black hole - is always present somewhere at the smallest reaches of space, but not somewhere, but nowhere, because we won't be able to locate it. We won't be able to go small enough in size to find it. Yet, it is there sucking up energy as a timeless existence.

So, timelessness cannot be located in space. Yet, it is the ultimate source and goal of energy distribution with us in the middle. We can be located in space and time, but the source and goal of energy cannot be.

The behavior of a planet - a hollow planet - or a hollow star, is no different than the behavior of a hollow atom in that electromagnetic behavior is at the fringe of a hollow atom within its electron shell and this is where we see radiation emanate from as a reaction to the electrostatic variation taking place in the hollow center of an atom. This hollow center of an atom, or the center of a hollow planet or hollow star, is just one link of an infinitely long chain of transfer points whose individual links can be located in space and time but who's ultimate source link - or target link - cannot be located in any definitive point in space or time.

The geometry of a hollow sphere, or hollow ellipse, or hollow toroid, is capable of concentrating electrostatic energy as a capacitant charge existing on a non-flat plate since this plate is curled in a spheroidal, or ellipsoidal, or toroidal, fashion and concentrates this electrostatic charge at the center of that spheroidal, or ellipsoid, or toroidal shape. Conversely, the opposite circumferential plate is dominated by an electromagnetic format of energy since the shell of a hollow sphere, or hollow ellipse, or hollow toroid, encourages energy to manifest in a circular manner which we measure as electromagnetic energy.

Electrostatic, by its nature, is a potential (energy) which we measure as voltage. Meanwhile, electromagnetic is a kinetic format of energy which we measure as current.

If physicists could be lawyers, they would rewrite the law to confuse us by dropping important words from a phrase, or a sentence, to confuse this subject by immersing it in a shroud of mystery. This they have done with regard to the phrase "The Conservation of Energy" which is a misrepresentation of a longer and more accurate phrase called: "The Conservation of Kinetic Energy".

You'll never hear anybody talk about the conservation of potential energy, because potentials cannot be spent. So, there's nothing to conserve.!

The point at the center of a hollow sphere (such as: a planet, or star, or atomic matter) cannot be spent. It can only be concentrated at the center of celestial objects (of any size) and distributed by way of making copies of itself, electrostatic copies, at ever smaller and smaller scales of magnitude. This distribution across empty space (and concentration at specific points in space) is automatically conserved, because it's never spent. So, there's no law to uphold or verify since (by definition) potential energy is already a conserved potential that cannot be thermodynamically lost.

This is also why we call this phenomenon by its equivalent terminology, the phrase "voltage drop" contained within a circular loop of a circuit. But this voltage drop also exists electrostatically across an infinite space existing within a framework of infinite time.!

But since this cosmic voltage drop is electrostatic in nature, not electromagnetic, it does not drop in the same sense that voltages rise and fall along the circuitous route within a circuit. Instead, cosmic voltage drop merely gets apportioned into smaller and smaller sizes among smaller and smaller celestial objects to be used by those objects in whatever manner they choose within the context of their shell surrounding their hollow center.

And the method by which these macro and micro sized objects make use of their concentrated potential (located at their center) is always an electromagnetic method of putting electrostatics to good use.

The foregoing is how I justify Joseph Newman's outlook on energy….. By not relying on gyroscopic twirling and whirling around, but instead, I rely on electrostatic potentials distributed across the vastness of cosmic space and the microscopics of atomic space (along the length of a copper wire for instance).

Each atom of copper concentrates electrostatic potential at the center of its hollow spheroidal shape conserving that potential while at the same time fixing its location in space with regard to its use.

This brings out an important point as to why capacitive shapes have to be spheroidal in order to both conserve their potential and translate that potential into an electromagnetic expression at their periphery.

This periphery of an atom, let's say it's an atom of copper, exhibits electromagnetic behavior which we measure as wave phenomenon occurring along the length of a copper wire. This wave phenomenon is a pattern that exists in our brain that we recognize, but does not exist in space as an actual object, because a wave is merely a congregation of multiple behaviors among multiple atoms of copper occurring over a territory of space and time not unlike the behavior of dominoes falling down in a sequential manner.

Likewise, the peripheral outer limit (of an atom of copper) exhibits the rise and fall of electromagnetic energy in a sequential manner (down the length of a piece of copper wire) making it look like a wave is moving down the wire which we misrepresent as a wave of energy when in reality it is a wave of information collectively shared along the length of copper made up of many, many individual events of expansion and contraction of energy surrounding the periphery of each copper atom. And it is this sequencing of rising and falling of energy (at the periphery of each copper atom) that we recognize as a collective "wave of behaviors" sequenced in space and time.

Limitless behavior is always possible within an infinite potential actualized within the parameters of an upper and lower pair of boundaries. The skill of making more from less is a practical skill converting irresponsible desire into a practical result.

This process of "making more from less" is what we call electrical reactance, or what engineers responsible for the power grid would prefer to call "load balancing", or what liberal thinkers would prefer to call "free energy" - be that as it may.!