
This is an unreferenced claim found within the popular media of the Micro-Cap electronic simulator. The mathematics is provided by the simulator's software. Entropy is negentropic.

The reason for it being posted here, rather than under the Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, or Physics sites, is because they hold this idea to be of a skeptical nature.

Can this explain where "free energy" comes from? In other words, maybe it comes from somewhen inside the circuit rather than from somewhere outside?

This question is predicated upon the presumption that the future lacks a finite boundary. Hence, the "source" for free energy is infinite.

Although the future energy of a component has to come through that component to register a negative wattage (such as an immobile inductor transcending Michael Faraday's requirement that an inductor be subjected to a moving magnetic field in order to register any wattage), the ultimate source for that component's free energy is not to be found within that component's location in space. Since this source (of free energy) has no location in space, maybe we've been premature in insisting that the conservation of energy has been violated?

The foundation for this line of reasoning arises from the lack of discrimination among electronic simulators. For they don't know what time is. Nor do they presume that time is limited to a forward direction. From their standpoint, time is merely a mathematical representation which may just as easily run backwards as readily as it already runs forwards.

The forwards direction of time is predicated on reactive elements, such as capacitors and inductors, veering on the side of positive power factor (away from zero) in which wattage is signed with a positive polarization and the phases of the magnetomotive force and the electromotive force are nearly in-sync with little, or no, phase separation between them.

The backwards direction of time is predicated on reactive elements, such as capacitors and inductors, veering on the side of negative power factor (away from zero) in which wattage is signed with a negative polarization and the phases of the magnetomotive force and the electromotive force are clearly out-of-sync with a maximum of phase separation between them, namely: 180 degrees.

The future is an undefined quantity. To say that this violates some law of physics is to presume too much. The only quantity which may be definable is the rate at which the future is brought to bear on the "now"; in other words, at what rate (usually, this is exponential) does the circuit rise towards self-destructive amplitudes.

Here is one example...


graphic output of reactive components

numeric output of reactive components

transient analysis settings

There is a precedence to this line of reasoning... It's called financing a purchase with a line of credit.

Consider Europe after the fall of ancient Rome engulfed in the "Dark Ages". From where did Roman civilization get all of its grace to take so many liberties with its lack of morality? It stole this grace from Europe's future. We have 20/20 hindsight to give us this outlook for analyzing what happened in Rome versus what may happen to us in our future if we continue to borrow on our line of grace-credits without attempting to pay any of it back, now, while we still have the chance to make this payback, easily. During the Dark Ages of Europe, they didn't have the luxury, or the freedom, to consider their moral position and do anything about it.

What does free energy, or ontological physics, have to do with morality and karma? Everything. The study of one yields insight into the study of the other.

A culture which is exclusively predicated upon materialism pays for its shortsightedness. Yet, a culture steeped in the spirituality of considering everything, avoids the dangers which narrow-mindedness is prone to.

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  • Welcome Vinyasi. This site exists to challenge unreferenced notable claims found in various media. What you have here is a question that is outside the scope of our site. As far as I can see, it would be outside the scope of any site on the network. To make it fit on Physics or Mathematics you would need to formulate it very differently, showing your proof (in the mathematical sense) and how this relates to entropy and the speed of light and current models of physics/cosmology. Please take the tour and read the help centre of the sites listed. 1 hour ago
  • If you're thinking of framing it in terms of an Electrical Engineering question, then you would need to cut the metaphysics and focus on your practical issue. 1 hour ago