Micro-Cap electronic simulator (by Spectrum-Soft) comes, by default, with its own macro of a neon bulb, spark gap. I've taken the liberty of modifying that macro into a variety of deviations located here... http://vinyasi.info/mhoslaw/Parametric%20Transformers/2021/SparkGapMacros_Micro-Cap/ One of these deviations,... SparkAirGap.MAC ...is contained here... http://vinyasi.info/graham/custom-macros/ ...and is useful for having a higher default condition regarding the breakdown voltage of air -- as opposed to neon -- at which point the air (rather than neon gas) will arc across the air gap between the two electrodes of this type of spark gap. It's been raised to a threshold of 1kV from the default condition of neon gas of 90V. That's the only alteration I made to Micro-Cap's macro for a spark gap for this particular type of air gap. And this modified version is only used in two circuit simulations... trimetal-gen-quadfilar_Di-Electric_Cage.CIR and trimetal-gen-quadfilar_Di-Electric_Cage_v2.CIR ...located in the two directories contained inside of this parent directory... http://vinyasi.info/graham/max%20acceleration%20for%20a%202002%20RAV4EV/Di-Electric%20Cage/