Corrections to Compensate for my Erroneous
Mirrors of Paul Falstad’s Electronic Simulator and and
Series Resistance in Inductors and ESR of Capacitors

Please enter two parameters for inductors separated by a
single space in between each parameter: inductance wireGauge

For example, I have entered the numeric values of: 5mH
and 25AWG (for an inductor) in the following input box, below. . .

Formula for converting wire gauge. . .
The new wire gauge will equal –8.68589 times the natural logarythm
of the inductance minus the old wire gauge plus 50.103.

Correction for erroneous equivalent series resistances (ESR). . .
The new ESR (of capacitors) will be 1 to replace the old ESR

Hence, it doesn't matter what the old ESR was. The new ESR is 1

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Learn about the mathematical theory behind this webpage: Theory of Compensation