I don't mind the criticisms. I used to, but I didn't know any better (back then) for I lacked experience. I am well aware of how overly simplified my simulations are. That's why I do them...to make the initial stages of design easier for myself. Yet, without them, I'd be incapable of posing questions to myself on how to translate them into an actual build and I'd also miss out of an opportunity to imagine -- based on historical precedence -- how this sort of technology of a bygone era (occurring approximately 100 to 140 years ago) may have already solved my problem of how to manifest my simulations using their unique style of solving technical problems related to electrical engineering back then. There are many points of view of this subject matter...many of which are intended to keep us submissive to a Malthusean Doctrine of limited resources. If you believe in upholding that attitude, then so be it...more glory to you! But I'm a yogi steeped in the inner reality that we make whatever we expect...and if we expect abundance, then we make abundance, or if we expect privation and misery, then we make the same as whatever we expect to occur. In other words, there are always solutions to any problem provided the problem is not how to avoid the karma of unforgiveable sin. That has no solution to its consequences. But everything else is merely a matter of technique...what technique is necessary to bring about whatever result is desired based on whatever resources and circumstances surrounds us. Imagination, intuition and inspiration...plus an avid study of history...provides the answers along with a desire to remain involved no matter what challenge confronts the self...no matter what consequence confronts us to potentially discourage us from our self-appointed task. Evolutionary development of a desire is the natural consequence... Parallel Capacitance inside of Coils of Wire is uncanny. It's not parasitic capacitance anymore whenever it is not spawned from the closely packed winding which is normally associated with this phenomenon. Instead, it steers clear of the limitations which are normally associated with the transmittance of power over large distances by making them less relevant to efficiency. Hence, coils may retain their mutual inductivity at great distances with little loss of power. I've seen this occur once before in Micro-Cap electronic simulator software, but now I also see this occur within LTSPICE as well. And all because I took the time and made the effort to look for it...! Here's the data in the form of screenshots and the software files (zipped up)...enjoy! Output and customized settings within the Control Panel's SPICE tab of LTSPICE IV... And here is the schematic...