I'm not here to patronize you. I feel your pain, your anger, and can appreciate your candor. I'm guessing you're angry that I am self-taught and that I am not sloppy. In other words, that I am too thorough to be of any use since I am explaining the obvious. So, why do I bother to explain anything at all? Because of another obvious fact: that it's conventional to be sloppy as a method of getting away with foisting upon an unsuspecting public a bunch of truisms which are not true. They seem to be true (given our superficial manner of approaching this topic), but upon thorough inspection, their truth yields to fuzzy conclusions which are no longer convincingly complete in describing the entire situation when they merely explain a portion of electrical reality. For example... Claiming that "resonant rise" leads to the "destruction of equipment" is not exactly the same as saying that "free energy circuitry amounts to nothing more than the violation of physics and is a perpetual motion machine". In fact, the "destruction of equipment" is an admission of "free energy" if ever there was an admission...that's one of them! If you're the Patent Office (of any country), then "free energy circuitry amounts to nothing more than the violation of physics and is a perpetual motion machine" is what you're most likely to say to any wannabee inventor attempting to be the first one of your species to succeed at inventing a windfall for humanity -- especially, the downtrodden who can't afford to pay for energy. And yet, all of this is possible due to sloppiness on the part of those people who are entrusted with authority and who are in positions of power to make their acusations stick like fly paper upon the public mind. Greed comes to mind; the greed of the very few who want to keep all the goodies to themselves and not share them with everyone else for fear of.....? What? What obsurdity is worth withholding abundance from the needy? Because they don't deserve it? Because they did not work for the privilege to earn it? Isn't being alive privilege, enough? Isn't starvation reason, enough, to know the whole truth...that we've been lied to: firstly out of ignorance, but continuously out of a desire to maintain the status quo despite our so-called authority figures having acquired sufficient knowledge to no longer remain ignorant about electrical reality. But rather than admit it, they'd rather maintain the ignorance of an unsuspecting public mind to maintain their control of what they perceive to be their privilege to be greedy. To the victor go the spoils. Survival of the fittest. Those sound like taunts made by a war-mongering mentality; not a peace-loving perspective. I vow for peace. It's a worthwhile endeavor to stick my neck out for it and share the bounty of Nature with everyone. There is no good reason to be greedy and remain a public figure at the same time, for that's a disfigurement - a defilement - of the public trust. Such personages do not deserve to remain in public office, for they are promoting the ideology of private enterprise...for themselves, alone; for their own benefit. We all need to heal from whatever mistakes we may have made in the past and move onward without any guilt holding us back if we're willing to forgive and forget that we're not perfect...