What if the Ammann brothers were stretching it a bit when they claimed that one of the secret ingredients inside of their drum was a mysterious mineral? What if they were using the term very loosely to designate an element on the periodic chart, namely: a noble gas? We wouldn't make the same mistake unless we thought we were talking to children. And some grade school teachers would object to our choice of words. But we're talking 100 years ago! And Sangulani claims that he treats a secret substance with radio frequencies to elicit his overunity response. Since either a radio tuner, or a dead battery, can both accelerate the warmup phase, and since both are not necessary for this circuit to work, it almost doesn't matter what the Ammann brothers are saying by comparison to Sangulani since they're using misdirection - just like a magician and a ventriloquist will use the same technique - to keep us from focusing on discovering where the real causation of overunity is occurring in both of their inventions. It's low-level capacitance sandwiching both ends of the terminals of a container of noble gas that's the ticket! I couldn't avoid the temptation of simulating a plausible speculation of using a radio tuner in place of a dead battery... ------------------------------------------------- The car's alternator recharges the 220 volt battery pack of Sangulani's invention one battery at a time. His batteries are not used for powering his vehicle. They're used for precharging a "charging capacitor" adjacent to his motor load before starting up his overunity power supply to provide the current. Excess current will convert to whatever voltage is needed once the power supply is warmed up to its operational level of excitation. Notice how the voltage waveform resembles a sine wave. The current waveform, when it is operating at the peak of its overunity, is anything but a uniformly, periodic sine wave. This may be why Sangulani incorporated a battery pack in his setup. I'm assuming that the operation of an electric motor can get away with just about any messy waveform of current just so long as the voltage waveform is a standard sine wave? If a momentary charge from the batteries, let's say....once every second, were to remind the charging capacitor to say topped off at the battery voltage (of 340V in this example), then the voltage waveform could not diminish. And most importantly, the circuit won't take off towards infinite oblivion at some point in time (later on) outside the confines of this limited duration of simulation? Since there is a warmup phase to get through each time the charging capacitor gets its storage "reset" to the battery's voltage every once in a while, maybe three load portions of this circuit should be out of phase (just like a three phase motor operates) to overlap the warmup peiod of one phase with the active phase of another?