ONE MILLI SECOND TRANSIENT ANALYSIS ----------------------------------- ================================================================================ V(L1) = PEAK 308.859V = TROUGH -308.707V = 308.783V AVG 218.34V RMS = I(L1)+I(L2)+I(L3) = PEAK 279.058A & TROUGH -288.509A = 409.93A AVG 283.78A RMS = same as RMS voltage formula 316.23 turns ratio between L1 & L2 or L1 & L3. V1 & V2 are each 3V @ 1Meg Hz. L2 & L3 are two turns –each– of very stout non-insulated wire (similar to the extra pair of wires wrapped around the armature of an A/C induction motor) which would imply L1 having 632.5 turns of very thin voltage wire. V1 & V2 are 1Meg Hz sinewave generators fed by 3V from small (toy) solar panels. ================================================================================ BIFILAR VOLTAGE COIL -------------------- V(L4) or V(L5) = PEAK 451.7V = TROUGH -451.25V = 451.475V AVG 319.24V RMS = I(L4)+I(L5)+I(L6)+I(L7) = PEAK 405.1A & TROUGH -414.76A = 409.93A AVG 289.86A RMS = same as RMS voltage formula 316.23 turns ratio between L4 & L6 or L5 & L7. L4 & L5 are bifilar. L6 & L7 are two turns –each– of very stout non-insulated wire (similar to the extra pair of wires wrapped around the armature of an A/C induction motor) which would imply L1 having 632.5 turns of very thin voltage wire. V3 & V4 are 1Meg Hz sinewave generators fed by 3V from small (toy) solar panels. ================================================================================= The green and magenta colored, upper most curves are the voltage and current sinewaves of the bifilar voltage coiled version. The blue and red colored lower curves are the voltage and current sinewaves of a single phase, A/C motor outfitted with this simulation's rewiring scheme. Each vertical line marks 100 nano seconds. These are two distinct circuits. Hence, they're out of phase with each other, but their pair of waves are in phase for each circuit.