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ON=19,27,VALUE V=DC 0 AC 1 0 Sin 0 50 300 0 0 0 [Attr] ON=0,0,PACKAGE V [Attr] ON=0,0,Saved_Pulse V=DC 0 AC 1 0 Pulse 0 5 100n 10n 10n 400n 1u Style=256 [Attr] ON=0,0,Saved_Sin V=DC 0 AC 1 0 Sin 0 1.6 1meg 0 0 0 Style=256 [Wire] Pxs=280,264,304,264 [Comp] Name=Voltage Source Px=48,96 [Attr] ON=-11,-31,PART V=BackEMF3 Style=8192 [Attr] ON=19,27,VALUE V=DC 0 AC 1 0 Sin 0 225m 300 0 0 0 [Attr] ON=0,0,PACKAGE V [Attr] ON=0,0,Saved_Pulse V=DC 0 AC 1 0 Pulse 0 5 100n 10n 10n 400n 1u Style=256 [Attr] ON=0,0,Saved_Sin V=DC 0 AC 1 0 Sin 0 1.6 1meg 0 0 0 Style=256 [Wire] Pxs=96,96,104,96 [Wire] Pxs=152,96,160,96 [Wire] Pxs=32,96,32,152 [Comp] Name=S (V-Switch) Px=32,352 Rot=3 [Attr] ON=11,-65,PART V=S1 Style=8192 [Attr] ON=-11,-79,MODEL V=TIME1 [Attr] ON=0,0,PACKAGE V [Comp] Name=S (V-Switch) Px=120,352 Rot=3 [Attr] ON=11,-65,PART V=S2 Style=8192 [Attr] ON=-11,-79,MODEL V=TIME2 [Attr] ON=0,0,PACKAGE V [Comp] Name=NFV Px=208,352 Rot=4 [Attr] ON=18,-26,PART V=E1 Style=8192 [Attr] ON=18,-40,VALUE 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ON=0,0,Saved_Pulse V=DC 0 AC 1 0 Pulse 0 5 100n 10n 10n 400n 1u Style=256 [Attr] ON=0,0,Saved_Sin V=DC 0 AC 1 0 Sin 0 1.6 1meg 0 0 0 Style=256 [Wire] Pxs=152,152,160,152 [Wire] Pxs=32,152,32,208 [Wire] Pxs=160,96,160,152 [Wire] Pxs=160,152,168,152 [Wire] Pxs=144,208,144,264 [Wire] Pxs=144,208,168,208 [Grid Text] Text="1. Feed a low-voltage source to the starter coils, not directly to the main coils (as is the case with most motor wiring schemes)." Text="2. Feed this low-voltage at a high frequency. Quartz crystal oscillations?" Text="3. Make the main winding a bifilar coil." Text="4. Short out both ends of all four coils with each other." Text="5. And be sure and regulate the resulting over-voltage with a resistor inline with the main coils (not with the starter coils)." Text="" Text="If #2 works as I guess it will, it would serve as both a mild, voltage boosting aerial plus acting as a high frequency generator all rolled into one. What if Tesla knew" Text="about the Ammann experiment and incorporated his own version into his Pierce-Arrow demonstration ten years later without giving the Ammann brothers any credit" Text="using vacuum tubes in place of their crude aerial amplifiers? The two heavy cables connecting to his project box were due to my simulations pointing out to me that" Text="this connection from the aerials to the starter coils has to be of a very low resistance. The starter coils are composed of two turns of stout, solid core, insulated cop-" Text="per wire. The motor, we're told by Savo, was custom built. So, any number of modifications could have been made to it to accommodate this situation as per my" Text="simulations suggest.... http://is.gd/evwiki" Px=32,560 GridSnap=True JustifyH=Left JustifyV=Bottom CBorder=None [Grid Text] Text="Use switches, S1 & S2, to turn OFF the overunity gain which this shorted motor coil surges towards. By increasing" Text="the self-inductance of L1 & L2, an unlimited gain is possible by matching a similar increase in the resistance of R1." Px=96,608 Height=-14 Color=#FF0000 GridSnap=True JustifyH=Left JustifyV=Bottom CBorder=None [Grid Text] Text="TIME" Px=256,352 GridSnap=True JustifyH=Left JustifyV=Bottom CBorder=None [Grid Text] Text="TIME" Px=120,352 GridSnap=True JustifyH=Left JustifyV=Bottom CBorder=None [Grid Text] Text="TIME" Px=32,352 GridSnap=True JustifyH=Left JustifyV=Bottom CBorder=None [Grid Text] Text="Dare We Replicate Tesla's 1931 Pierce-Arrow with an Inverted Single-Phase, A/C Induction Motor Fed by an Aerial and High Frequency Sinewave Generator?" Px=32,32 Height=-13 FStyle=4 Color=#000000 Font=Arial GridSnap=True JustifyH=Left JustifyV=Bottom CBorder=None [Grid Text] Text="R2 is one yard of 15 AWG wire. SC1 & SC2 are the starter coils on a single phase, induction motor. L1 & L2 are" Text="bifilar wound coils replacing the original coil on the motor's armature. R1 juggles the ratio between the motor's" Text="amps versus its volts. C1 helps to boost efficiency a little bit. K1's coupling coefficience is at least 90%. The EV's" Text="chassis is common ground. The back EMF's frequency is double the RPM's of the rotor and 15% of the voltage put" Text="out by its associated coil. I used the RAV4EV from 2002 as my target. Before it shuts down at 6ms, the combined" Text="currents of L1, L2, SC1 & SC2 total 223.4A RMS. The voltage alongside L1 or L2 is 358.5V RMS. AerialGen is a" Text="sinewave generator fed by an aerial and puts out 5V at 1Meg Hz. R1 smooths out the coils' output so that there is" Text="very little surges or sagging of energy. The resistance on all coils is three times their Henrys. The aerials are eva-" Text="cuated, hollow bronze spheres (or twelve vacuum tubes in Tesla's demonstration of 1931 – see, subcircuit: "Using" Text="12 Tubes instead of Hollow Spheres"). The reason why the Ammann brothers used these spheres in their 1921 EV" Text="conversion is due to these pair of spheres were evacuated of air. This automatically raised their ability to accumu-" Text="late a voltage. It's not the height from the ground which gives more voltage, it's the lack of air pressure. This re-" Text="duces the density of air acting as a dielectric which increases capacitance (due to air-thinning: just like thinning the" Text="depth of a capacitor's dielectric to increase its capacitance to store more charge) with an increase in voltage. Voila!" Text="One step closer to resolving their entire mystery. Now, what could be the mysterious minerals they used in con-" Text="junction with wire? According to the newspaper article provided by Boguslaw (thanks!), that's what they were" Text="quoted as having said: wire, iron and minerals. Hmmmm. Wire and iron sounds to me like a transformer. My guess" Text="is a step-up transformer built into the motor itself (see, bullet point #1, down below). Maybe the minerals were in-" Text="side the hollow spheres? What if a piezo-electric, quartz crystal oscillator was centered in each sphere suspended by" Text="a single strand of wire on each side of the crystal? Carbon buttons attach each wire to opposite sides of the interior" Text="(functioning similar to telephone microphones and earpieces used at that time). The sphere acts as an acoustic ampli-" Text="fier. The wire is like an electrified guitar string due to the tension of the wire, plus the voltage build up resulting from" Text="the partial vacuum. This excites the crystal to oscillate at a high frequency. This is AerialGen in the diagram. My sim-" Text="ulations have taught me that increasing the efficiency of an induction motor is predicated on five bullet points..." Px=328,384 GridSnap=True JustifyH=Left JustifyV=Bottom CBorder=None [Grid Text] Text="FULL THROTTLE, 223A & 356V RMS, WITH TURN OFF SWITCHES." 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