How can "free energy" be explained away if ... Regarding the colloquialism known as "free energy" ... I am not referring to the scientific usages of the term, but to the populist term of "getting more from less". I am certainly not referring to "perpetual motion" since some energy expenditure - no matter how small and seemingly insignificant - is needed as a (sine wave) input if for no other reason than its value as a contribution of meager amplitude of moderate frequency ... [temp:] How can "free energy" be explained away if it partly conforms to the Conservation of Energy, yet, partly does not owing to the gradual rise in amplitude of the formation of non-saturable, triangular waves of free oscillations (within an inductor of relatively enlarged inductance). And these waves of increasing magnitude are riding on top of a sine wave input of forced oscillations of constant amplitude? This is similar to the mixed status of complex numbers in which they are partly composed of real numbers depicting real amplitudes of real power plus imaginary numbers depicting imaginary amplitudes of electrical reactance. So, I am suggesting that the domain of the Conservation of Energy is restricted to real numbers and real power, while it is also incapable of having anything to do with imaginary reactance. It's bad enough, already, that Kirchhoff's Laws, regarding the foundation for the Conservation of Energy, are restricted to the nodes between electrical components and does not pertain to the components, themselves. Since a node is a fiction created by the mind of man to help with our ability to account for energy transfer among the components within a circuit analysis, I hold that Energy Conservation is a fiction as well - a concept which concerns itself with the non-existent void (nodes) between existential reactances which themselves are not of this physical world since they exist purely as a mathematical construct for the purposes of our analytical bookkeeping. My two references are: 1. A single chapter, from out of the following reference, contributed by Edwin H. Armstrong a century ago, entitled ... Some Recent Developments of Regenerative Circuits, pages 244 to 260. quote ... "... a regenerative receiver's gain is greatest when it operates on the verge of oscillation, and in that condition, the circuit behaves chaotically." Cited here ... And referenced here ... 2. The virtual oscilloscope tracings of this simulation taken at various durations and zoom perspectives ...