Responses to a few criticisms and comments ... Most people don't stop to think of how much energy, as reactance (reactive power), is hidden in plain sight within the materials of construction of their CIRCUITRY. Consider the valence shell electrons of the copper atoms of a coil of wire ... It possesses a fixed quantity of energy, already there, which holds these smelted copper atoms together in the shape of a coil. All it takes is a miniscule quantity of REAL POWER to signal that valence energy to REACT up to the limit of its tolerance and remain intact without blowing up into a cloud of microfine dust. Nikola Tesla performed experiments concerning the limits of endurance of wire and the dielectric plates of capacitors using high voltages and elevated frequencies, because he knew -- that in theory -- REACTIVE POWER IS WITHOUT LIMIT. It's the atomic charges of electron volts, which hold the valence shell electrons of neighboring copper atoms together in a coil of wire (for instance), which are limited. This is my thesis in a nutshell. Why waste precious resources draining the battery pack of its voltage (within an electric vehicle) when you can continually recycle the usage of the electron volts which hold atoms together in smelted conductive metals and within the dielectric storage of insulators? This yields unlimited reactive power which is fully capable of conversion into real power to empower a FREE ENERGY device.