The 'airgap' spark gap has to be incorporated into your installation of Micro-Cap 12 to enable you to use it as a component in your circuits. Steps ... 1. Save a copy of airgap.mac in the following folder on your computer ... C:\MC12\LIBRARY ... on the assumption that that is where your 'LIBRARY' folder for Micro- Cap is located! 2. Select menu: 'Windows' / Component Editor ... 3. Navigate to: Analog Primitives / Macros / Miscellaneous ... 4. Click on the: ADD PART ICON-BUTTON ... 5. Fill in the form field called: 'Name' with the file name of the macro 'airgap' without its '.mac' extension ... 6. Shape Group is 'Main' ... 7. Shape Name is 'SparkGap' ... 8. Definition is 'Macro' ... 9. Under form field called: 'View', click on one of the terminal ends (leads) of the image to produce a dialog box ... 10. Enter the name of that terminal is: 'Pin1' ... 11. Click on the other terminal lead and call it: 'Pin2' ... 12. Click on the radio button called: 'Attribute Text Orientation 1' and drag the text window to where you want it by default ... 13. Do the same for 'Attribute Text Orientation 2' ... 14. Click the 'Save' icon ... 15. Close this window ... 16. You may, now, use this component in any of your circuits ...