What do you think negative impedance amounts to wherein current reversal increases voltage differences, ie. current travels from a potential of voltage which is less than to where the current is traveling? It's not accomplished with CIRCUITRY. It's accomplished with a composition of three mutual inductances whose inter-relationships are predicated upon the same mathematical procedure as is the procedure for spawning the equivalent consequences of the Golden Ratio, namely: 1. Design a circuit whose central core feature possesses five self-inductances grouped into three sets of mutual inductances in which: 1a. One pair of self-inductances are high relative to ... 1b. Another pair, plus a single self-inductance, which are all three relatively much lower than the first two self-inductances. 2. Pick a mutual inductance between the Golden Ratio, of 61.8%, and something less than 100%. 3. Subtract #1 from 100%. 4. Take the square root of #2 to spawn the second mutual inductance. 5. Take the cube power of #2 to spawn the third mutual inductance. Whatever other components are included, ie. connected to, these five coils won't matter since shorting them to each other and to themselves will not prevent a transient surge from appearing when this arrangement is turned ON using a power source which is connected to these coils via merely one of the voltage source's terminals. The other terminal of the voltage source is grounded. And there is no other ground located anywhere within this circuit. Thus, throughput will be discouraged within this circuit. Thus, the formation of current will be discouraged within this circuit. The only throughput of current will manifest in the spaces between these coils; not within any of its electrical connections since they will all be shorted out. These spaces are regulated by the mutual inductances mentioned, above. Schematic ... Shortened redirect URL at ... Analyze this circuit (simplest-overunity-circuit-you-will-ever-see_schematic) and you will discover that it is merely overunity in the very beginning when it delivers a momentary surge of a very high amplitude. It immediately quenches to zero. Yet, if we design a circuit to surround this one to capture this surge and prolong its dissipation, then we will have succeeded at converting this impractical circuit into a prospectively practical device, to wit ... Output ... Shortened redirect URL at ... Schematic ... Shortened redirect URL at ... Here's another variation on this theme of the Golden Ratio of three mutual inductances ... Schematic ...,%20diode%20at%20an%20extra%20ground%20on%20rotor%20pointing%20away%20-%20better%20than%20towards,%20schematic.png Shortened redirect URL at ... Output ...,%20diode%20at%20an%20extra%20ground%20on%20rotor%20pointing%20away%20-%20better%20than%20towards,%20output%20after%201100%20seconds.png Shortened redirect URL at ... But I must concede to you that until someone builds this, it remains a mere theory. That's my job which is: to point the way. Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to travel forth and discover via experimentation what the results of my theory are instead of speculating what they might become based on my opinion in deference to your own. Your opinion is no better than mine. We're two opinionated gents. For further reading ... Shortened redirect URL at ... And ... Shortened redirect URL at ...