How to replace our dependency upon fossil fuels, etc, is to recognize that the ambient energy surrounding the earth's trees and flowers, etc, is sufficient to power all of our needs. Reduce our use of Real Power and Recycle our use of Reactive Power inherent within the Valence Electron Volts of every circuit. ========================================================================================== Why is the Just Stop Oil group also against nuclear powered energy as an alternative to fossil fuel? Because it's a good idea to pursue other objectives (if we can agree on their pursuit ;-) ... How to replace our dependency upon traditional fuels (fossil, nuclear, coal, etc) is to recognize that the ambient energy (measured in microvolts) surrounding the earth's trees and flowers, etc, is sufficient to power all of our needs. Reduce our use of Real Power and Recycle our use of Reactive Power inherent within every circuit. Our only mistake is to ignore this “free(ly available) source of energy” by refusing to liberate it with a catalyzing tickle of starvation. Yet, we repress this “free energy” by assuming that there is “no such thing as a free lunch” and (thus, we) smother our appliances with more energy than they require to operate (to cover their losses) and fulfil (by way of circular reasoning) that Conservation of Energy is a law. Yet, Conservation of Energy is not a law; it is merely a policy in need of slaves (that's us!) to uphold it. Conservation of Energy is a hypothesis - not a law - since it is predicated upon the analysis of isolated systems of energy which (itself) is a mere hypothesis. “... strictly and ideally isolated systems do not actually occur in experiments or in nature. Though very useful, they are strictly hypothetical.” We cannot predicate a law upon a hypothesis and expect that this law can arise, by way of logical reasoning, from its foundational hypothesis without the need for additional equivocation. Physicists assume that a stable system of energy is this additional equivocation (according to the Wikipedia article cited, above). Yet, stable systems of energy do not exist within the domain of unstable systems of energy which are intended (by way of their design) to over-react and, thus, destabilize themselves by spawning an OUTPUT which does not equal their INPUT. This inequality is spawned by ... ... the infrequent reversals of time, under General Relativity, which is a fact of electrical engineering called: transients, plus ... ... the shrewd conservation of reactive power and the severe reduction of the expenditure of real power spawning free energy courtesy of the negative impedance of Foster's Reactance Theorem: aka, the potential over-reactance of the valence shell electron volts which atomically binds matter and holds it together in the shape of solid objects. These valence electron volts are where “free energy” comes from. But, there are *rules* to follow if this energy is to be liberated. And, starvation of a circuit is one of them. Surf to: Or: Vinyasi, independent research; activist.