Diodes, D1 and D2, generate power most of the time leading up to just before they collapse at which point they consume power for a very short period of time until this simulation halts with error. Diodes, D3 and D4, generate power all of the time. =================================================== If you don't like applying the term of the "generation of power" to circumstances which lacks any obvious prime mover, then use the term of... "accumulates negative watts" =================================================== Inductors, IndLoad and IndBallast, consume power most of the time leading up to just before they collapse at which point they generate power for a very short period of time until this simulation halts with error. Capacitors, C3 through C11 and GndCap, consume power most of the time leading up to just before they collapse at which point they generate power for a very short period of time until this simulation halts with error. Capacitors, C12 through C20, consume power all of the time. Capacitors, C1 and C2 and CapLoad, consume power all of the time. Resistors, RLoad and Drain, consume power all of the time. =================================================== The Current Source, within the AirGap macro, is consuming power. The Negative Resistor, within the AirGap macro, is producing power.