You can get away with shorting out the four terminals of this step-down transformer and you'd almost get the same level of output, but you'd be wasting a slightly elevated input power. Patent “US 600,457 A” for Nathan Stubblefield's Earth Battery may be on the left if we replace “ACMains” with a live oak tree and replace “MainsGnd” with its roots in the Earth (not including what is missing from his patent to its right). If you don't have access to the Earth to serve as your “ground plane”, in the alternative, you can simulate the Earth's ground plane by utilizing a large conductive surface, such as: another antenna. This is what the Ammann brothers did with their Atmospheric Generator: they used two spherical antennas to serve as their monopole antenna plus ground since their mobile power station of their batteryless electric car of 1921 needed a grounded antenna and they could not provide an Earthed ground plane for their car. In other words, turn this image (up, above) upside down and imagine its two electric grounds are two spherical antennas similar to what the Ammann brothers mounted on top of the drum-shaped power station which was strapped to the front-end of their car in this image ... A dipole antenna is similar enough to a grounded monopole antenna to serve as its replacement. An example of a dipole antenna is the spark-gap transmitter of Heinrich Hertz ... All 4 caps: C1, C2, C3 & CapLoad, possess 10 Ohms of ESR. Applying pressure will raise their ESR and is hinted in a Tesla patent for manufacturing capacitors under pressure, “US Patent 577,671”. Thanks go to Byron Brubaker for this tip! Surf to ... for an explanation of ESR. Tesla also has a patent for using oil as a dielectric material for capacitors: “Patent No. 567,818”. Pressu- rizing this oil may be the easy way to increase the equivalent series resistance of a capacitor to alter its behavior in an overunity circuit? What do you think? WARNING — HIGH NODAL VOLTAGES WILL ACCUMULATE!