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Continued Fractions

Under Construction....

        If we begin with the golden quadratic expression: 0 = x2 + x – 1, we can transform this into the simplest continued fraction imaginable that repeats indefinitely:
Step 1   0 = x2 + x – 1

Step 2 (0 = x2 + x – 1) + 1
Step 3 (0) + 1 = (x2 + x – 1) + 1
Step 4 1 = x2 + x
Step 5 x ------------ (1 = x2 + x)
Step 6 x x --- = -------- 1 (x2 + x)
Step 7 x x --- = ----------- 1 (x + 1) * x
Step 8 x 1 * x --- = ----------- 1 (x + 1) * x
Step 9 x 1 x --- = ------- * --- 1 (x + 1) x
Step 10 x 1 --- = ------- * 1 1 (x + 1)
Step 11 1 x = ----- x + 1
Step 12 1 x = ----- 1 + x
Step 13 1 x = ----------------- é ù ê 1 ú 1 + ê x = ----- ú ê 1 + x ú ë û
Step 14 1 x = --------- 1 1 + ----- 1 + x
Step 15 1 x = --------------------- 1 1 + ----------------- é ù ê 1 ú 1 + ê x = ----- ú ê 1 + x ú ë û
Step 16 1 x = ------------- 1 1 + --------- 1 1 + ----- 1 + x
        In practical (computational) terms, we could have stopped at step 11, input a value of 1 into x on the right-hand side, received a value of 1/2 as the output for x on the left-hand side, re-inserted the result of 1/2 back into x on the right-hand side, and continued until we were satisfied that we had successfully approximated the quadratically, golden proportion of f as: 0.61803398874989.......

        We could have just as easily performed step 2 and beyond a little differently yielding the reciprocal f of: 1.61803398874989....... as its approximation:

Step 1   0 = x2 + x – 1

Step 2 (0 = x2 + x – 1) – x2
Step 3 (0) – x2 = (x2 + x – 1) – x2
Step 4 – x2 = x – 1
Step 5 x2 = 1 – x

        The continued fraction of: 0 = x2 + x – 1, can be rewritten in short-hand as: x = 1[1,...] to show the repetition of
Next Lesson: What does HE Huntley and others have to say on the topic of beauty?

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Monday, 16 August 2004 15:29:58 MST [an error occurred while processing this directive]