title page: Aesthetics: a wonderful mystery, Vinyasi Contents Acknowledgements Preface(a commentary on this book) Introduction(overview of sections and chapters) Section 1: Discourse on Aesthetics Section 2: Language Theory Section 3: Hybrid Aesthetics Section 4: Miscellaneous Math Ideas *************************************************************** Section 1: Discourse on Aesthetics Chapter : Three Preliminary Definitions Chapter : Aesthetic Theory Chapter : The Ideal Class Chapter : The Golden Class Chapter : The Hybrid Group(Overview) Chapter : Art Chapter : Planetary Development Section 2: Language Theory Chapter : The Language of Nature(Overview) Chapter : Integrity Chapter : Vibration Chapter : Function Section 3: Hybrid Aesthetics Chapter : Geometric Chapter : Light Modeled Chapter : Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, and Quartic+ ? Chapter : Stabilizing(Converging) Chapter : The Gap(The Hole: Diverging) Chapter : Dynamic(Fractal) Chapter : Cyclic(Partly Fractal) Chapter : Approximate Section 4: Miscellaneous Math Ideas Chapter : Chapter : *************************************************************** Section 1: Aesthetic Approximation Theory: Division By Zero.Subjective Math.Basic Approximation Theory.Ideal Numbers.Golden Numbers.How Harmony Relates to Biology and Art in a Mathematical Sense.How Does This Theory Fit Into the Scheme of Things.Art in Practice (filenames: division.phi, divis1.phi, div2.phi-newest) Chapter 1: Division by Zero: Value.Sign.Modularity.Division.Algebra.Number Bases.Examples.Summary old version: (filename: infinity.phi) Chapter 1.1: Infinity Explained in Terms of the Relative: Equivalence.Four Views of Infinity.The Definition of Division by Either Infinity or Zero.Historical Perspective (filename: humath.phi) Chapter 1.2: The Humanization of Math: The Ten Processes of Binary Logical Math: Dual-sign Math Systems are a Product of Four Logic Relations. Addition as Discrimination.Negation as a Shift in Perspective. Division as Parallelism, a Shift in Perspective, as well as the Simplification of Units of Measurement Through Dominance.Multiplication as Polyglotism. Summation of Squares as Making Distinctions Among Varied Self-Amplified Values. Summation of Reciprocals as Making Distinctions Among Varied Values Whose Orientation of Magnitude has been Switched from One Form of Infinity to Another. Multiplation of Terms Involving Integer Exponentiation.Multiplation of Terms Involving Exponents of Unit Fractions(1/a). Summation of Terms Involving Integer Exponentiation.Summation of Terms Involving Exponents of Unit Fractions(1/a). Exterior to the System: Transcendental e: The System's Transcendental Function. (filename: harmony.phi) Chapter 1.3: Harmonic Systems: Aesthetics is an Algebraic (Semantic) Inference From the Alphabetic Units of Mathematical Thinking. ?Harmony as the Use of All Ten Processes Within a Unified System: The Construction of Simple Polynomials in Multiple and Singular Unknowns.The Unique Polynomial Qualities of an Algebraic Number.Substitution is an Assumed Equivalence.Approximate Solutions of Simple Polynomials in One Unknown by Way of: Partial Isolation of Terms. Three Side-bars: The Degree of a Polynomial's "x" Term is Selective of a Root During Self-Looping Partial Solution Methods by Way of the Root's Magnitude and Sign.= ?Exponentiation Within the Context of Approximating Factors of a Polynomial Gives Magnitude Towards Each Factor.Parallel Solutions as a Function of Harmony: Integrity.Integrated Parallel Polynomial Functions in Multiple Unknowns Approximating a Polynomial Function in One Unknown. ?How the Ten Math Functions Are Used Overview of Some Binary Logic Aesthetic Classes (filename: ideal.phi) Chapter 1.4: The Ideal Class: Definition.Generation.Uninacci.Fibonacci.Tribonacci.Multinacci.Infinacci.All- Encompassing Unity of Growth and Simplicity of Form (filename: golden.phi) Chapter 1.5: The Golden Class as Defined by Two Qualities Applied to Two Fields: Modularity and Substitution in Relation to Algebra and Geometry: and Two Approaches of Generation: The Modularity of Golden Numbers: Algebraic Beauty and Geometric Beauty with Power. The Algebraic Approach: A Simple Cascading Pattern to Modular Summation.Modular Subtraction. The Golden Pattern Determines the Golden Outcome.Integration of Subtotals to Produce Approximations of Golden Ratios. Sandwiched-Glass-Panes-and-Reflecting-Light Model.Honeybee Genealogy Model. Review of Fibonacci's Bunny Model.The Ideal and Golden Classes' Reciprocal Limits of Magnitude. The Geometric Approach: Formulated in Euclidean Geometric Terms.Non-Euclidean Formulation of Angular Classes. Two Types of Substitution: Telescoping and Reformulation. Algebraic Telescoping Substitution: Integrated Parallel Computation. ?(doesnt serve the same function as Alg. Subs.: approximation): Geometric Telescoping Substitution: Regular and Stellated Polygons. Algebraic Reformulative Substitution: Serial Block Computation of Golden and Quadratic Polynomials. Linear Aesthetic Relations Within the Plane. Expanded and Modified Greatest Common Divisor Algorithm. (filename: planet.phi) Chapter 1.6: Planetary Development: DNA as a Function of the Four Logic Relations. Occurrence of Traditional Aesthetic Values on Earth (Geology, Biology, ?Neurology, Architecture).The Fibonacci Series.The Lucas Series.The Ptah Series: Its Postulated Use in Egyptian Mathematics. Geometric Hybridization of Golden Values. The Pell Series. The Modified Pell Series. A Bubble Universe. Maldek.Venus, or Life in a Sulfate World.?Life on a Cubic (or Higher) World.Conclusion (filename: mathart.phi) Chapter 1.7: The Mathematical Basis For Art Derived From Aesthetics: The Units of Art: Relations of Angle or Length.Vibrational Art: Music, Magnetic Fields, Painting and Graphics.Structural Art: Painting, Sculpture and Architec- ture.Movement Art: Dance.Holographic Art (filename: makemuse.phi) Chapter 1.8: The Making of Vibrational Art, An Example From Music: Synopsis.Linear Versus Irrational Music.Pure Versus Equal Temperment.Pure Temperment Chromatic Scale Building.Approximating Pure Temperment With the Use of Equal Temperment.The Coexistence(?Comingling) of Both.Melody Building. Evaluating the Roots of a Polynomial: The ? Method.Creating Series Sets----The Geometric Method. (filename: melody.phi) Chapter 1.9: Aesthetic Constructs: (From Music): Melody Construction. (filename: Chapter 1.10: The Making of Angular Art, An Example From ?: (filename: langnatr.phi) Chapter 1.11: The Language of Aesthetics (From Where Does It Come?): Speculating on the Nature of Higher Forms of Aesthetics: The Two Raised to the Tenth Power(Thousand+) Views of Reality Simplified to Just Four: The Undefinable [Transcendental], The Finite Capacity of an Individual System to Embody Essential Qualities[Idealism], The Dynamics of Vibrancy(Systems of Vibration as a Means for Evolving Consciousness)[Subjectivity], The Form of Function(Science as a Means for Expressing Soul Character)[Objectivity]. The Four Linguistic Sets: The Transcendental Set.The Diety Set.The Vibrational (Tonal) Set.The Functional(Logic/Math) Set.Our View of Each Set Determines The Scope and Structure of The Next Operative Set.Each Set Contributes Toward the Building of An Aesthetic Scale: Agreement Among Differing World Views Spawns a Usefull System. Chakras: Modes(Scales) of Consciousness.Octaves: States of Consciousness.Zodiacal Keynotes: Planets of Influencial Dharma: Nature's Support For Right Action.The Median Consciousness of a Planet's Seasons: The Evolution of the Piano Keyboard.The Growth of Logic: Higher Mathematics For Higher Artistic Develope- ment.One Result: One More Definition of Imaginary Numbers.The Inherent Self- Sufficiency of Mathematical Systems. Digital Logic at the Heart of Math.Dimensional Logic. The Previous Form(see end of ch.3).The Next Higher Form.The Limitations of Higher Dimensions.Planar Relations of Beauty. *************************************************************** Section 2: Additional Math: All of the Basic Math Ideas Not Covered in the Previous Section, But Related in an Indirect Way as Background Material: Overview of Approximation Methods. The Structure of a Polynomial as the Basis for Infinitely Many Quadratic or Golden Methods: The Alternating Incremental Method. The Quadratic Fibonacci and Lucas Functions. Summation of Paired Multipliers. Collapsed Polynomials (a*x^degree + b*x^0), Two Methods: Calculating the Roots of Numbers Using Only a Credit Card Calculator. Historical Perspective: Self-Looping Approximation According to Newton. Filling in Self-Looping Gaps (the Holes): Newton's Method for Best Fit of a Polynomial's Roots. The Quadratic Euclidean Algorythm. The Calculator Version for The Euclidean Algorythm. The Polynomial Euclidean Algorythm. The Expanded Greatest Common Divisor Algorythm. How to Test Continued Fractions for Accuracy. An Improvement on Gauss's Approximation of Pi as a Continued Fraction. Chapter 2.1: Overview of Methods Not Covered In Section One The Mechanics and Limitations of Each Method. *************************************************************** Section 3: A More Indepth Study of Beauty Via Golden Beauty's Source, Hybrid Beauty, Derived From Geometry, Polynomials, and a Light Model: Chapter 3.?: Linear Relations of Aesthetics and the Parallel Method For Categorizing Beauty: The Logical Difference Between Polynomials in One Versus Multiple Unknowns. Numbers Are a By-Product of Polynomials in One Unknown(A Base).Polynomials in One Unknown Are a Way of Creating and Defining Irrational Numbers.Polynomials in One Unknown Can Be Approximated Using Sets Of Polynomials in Multiple Unknowns Calculated in Parallel. Their Limitations. Continued Fractions of Polynomials.Their Extensions From Lower to Higher Degrees.Limitations.The Creation of Alternate Forms of Beauty: Simple(Linear), Straightforward(Quadratic), Transformational(Cubic), Approximate (Quartic+)], Unclassified General, Golden, Hybrid: [Stabilizing (Converging), Dynamic(Fractal), Cyclic(Partly Fractal)]. Hybrid Geometric Algebraic (Polynometric) Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, and Quartic+ Stabilizing(Converging) The Gap(The Hole: Diverging) Dynamic(Fractal) Cyclic(Partly Fractal) Approximate Light Modeled Extention of the Golden Algebraic Method.Adjusted Multiplication of the Roots. Derivation of the Coefficients From Partial Quotients.The Transformation of One Set of Coefficients Into Another.Relations Within A Set.Integration Within The Quadratic Parallel Method.The Quadratic Quality to Any Polynomial With It's Location in Polygons *************************************************************** Abbreviations and Notations Glossary References Index Abbreviations EuA: Euclidean Algorithm gcf, gcd: greatist common factor(divisor) lcm: least common multiple q1, q2, q3, etc.: partial quotients of the Euclidean algorithm and parallel computation of infinite set series and: Notations <> IS NOT EQUAL TO =: IS APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO ^ EXPONENTIATION , where: , or: R, where R = the fractional exponent of a radical, either as: R=an integer, the reciprocal of a unit fraction(1/integer); or as, R=a non-unit fraction(integer/integer) {THE TAKING OF ANY ROOT OF A NUMBER WITHOUT THE NEED FOR SPECIFYING WHICH ROOT} X = {Y}^(1/Z) (EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM PERFORMED ON A SET OF ANY SIZE) (FIRST ORDER PARANTHESIS) [SECOND ORDER PARANTHESIS] [PARTIAL QUOTIENTS OF A CONTINUED FRACTION: q1, q2, q3,...; OR..., q1, q2;...] & INFINITY >>>> ARROWS; LEADS TO... move to back of text: Glossary Aesthetics: the study of harmonic relations in any field of inquiry Harmonic Systems(of dual sign mathematic systems): approximation methods generating ?logarithmic scales of relations from simple polynomials in one unknown--relations may be angular, phasic, linear, vibrational, or molecularly weighted Euclidean geometry: realistic Non-Euclidean geometry: surrealistic; not unreal, but outside the fringe of normal reality; sometimes the equivalent of the real, but stated in simpler terms Beauty; Charm; Nourishment Power; Purification (Destruction when in excess) Golden: Pure-Bred; conventionally it refers only to Golden Beauty, but now it also includes Golden Power Semi-Golden: sometimes used to refer to Golden Power Hybrid: Quasi-golden; makes use of Golden's conceptual framework, but minus its symmetry Ideal: the highest form that aesthetics can take within our style of thinking Multiplicative Series: coventionally known as a geometric series Additive Series: a progression of numbers stemming from the process of addition Algebraic Series: a combination of the above, plus exponentiation Summation: accumulative addition; potentially infinite Multiplation: accumulative multiplication; potentially infinite References Cayce, Edgar; Life and Medical Readings; Association for Research and Enlightenment; Virginia Beach, Virginia, 19??-19?? Darwin, Charles; The Origin of the Species; ?Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Updated Information on Venus Flyby ?Holden, Alan and Morrison, Phylis; Crystals and Crystal Growing; The MIT Press; Cambridge, Mass.; 1995 Lutes, Charlie; Lectures Mahesh Yogi, Maharishi; Science of Creative Intelligence, Lesson ?; ?; ?; 1972? Ogilvy, C. Stanley, and Anderson, John T., Excursions In Number Theory, Oxford University Press, New York, 1966 Staff of Research and Education Association, Dr. M. Fogel, Director, Handbook of Mathematical, Scientific, and Engineering Formulas, Tables, Functions, Graphs, Transforms, , Piscataway, NJ, 1994 Tynne, Anne G., Geometric Extensions of Consciousness, Zodiac 19, 1969 ---------, Simultaneous Randomness and Order: The Fibonacci Divine Proportion As a Universal Forming Principle, Ph.D Thesis, Ann Arbor, MI: Univ. Microfilms Int., 1975 The Urantia Book, The Urantia Foundation?, Chicago, IL, 1934 Van Nostram's Scientific Encyclopedia, Watts, Donald J. and Carol M., A Roman Apartment Complex, Sci. Am., Vol. 255, no. 6, 132-140, Dec. 1986 Acknowledgements I wish to thank the patience of close friends and relatives for making me possible. California State University at Northridge has my thanks for the use of their library, computers, classes, and teachers. And You, for your time and consideration of this material. Preface (a commentary on the writing of this book) Introduction We will never know completely the full scoop about anything so long as we are human. We usually count three sources for our information: knowledge about our own, or someone else's experience, reason, and intuition. We and society will never live long enough to know everything---how long is eternity? Reason always requires the full picture to be accurate---are you God? Intuition, no matter how accurate, is ephemeral---can you prove or disprove what lies beyond akasha (the holy ghost of eastern thinking)? Maybe as suprahumans it is more expedient to create knowledge to satisfy the requirement at hand, rather than be subservient to fulfill knowledge by having to learn it. Who should be the master? (I am using knowledge as a much more broad term here to designate reality just before it manifests.) But that is the prerogative of the Almighty- --something to look forward to. In the mean time, we will just have to make do- --but don't take my word for it. This study is both theoretical and applied with most of its emphasis on subjective interpretation. I have tried to be both self and conventionally consistent, but have taken liberties with nomenclature whenever it appears to help organize concepts. Section One is an introduction to aesthetic theory.It uses a minimum of math for understanding this subject. Section Two discusses a special but necessary adjunct to the general theory. It is extremely difficult to comprehend (or write about), so take it easy. It gives an indepth look into the possible consequences of some of these basic ideas when taken to extreme. Section Three brings into focus some general understanding of background material not covered in either sections one or two. Section Four is a hands-on approach to making all of this mumbo jumbo practical. It speculates: "as above, so below"---what we do is also done by the gods. Speculation is offered at the end of Section One as to how this topic developes within the scheme of things. Other speculations are also offered (especially concerning planetary developement, although this whole book is a speculation) that at times may strain your patience. I regret if this is the case. I wouldn't feel the text complete if any idea relating to the topic were left out. Enjoy this, if you can! Normally, new ideas within the realm of pure mathematics must be first postulated as a hypothesis and then proven logically before ever being stated as theoretical fact. New ideas in the applied sciences, however, such as astronomy, may be theorized if there is sufficient data that consistently agrees with itself to date and is agreed upon my most observers. The difference between a hypothesis and a theory is that a theory is recognized as a valid statement about nature within the limitations of human understanding, while a hypothesis is a proposed idea in need of substantiation before professional opinion puts its good housekeeping seal of approval on it. In the applied sciences, observation is the hypothesis("Do I see what I think I see?"), while in theoretical endeavors, speculation is the hypothesis(even if it is conjectured logically, since it takes multiple views to double-check accuracy: is it conjectured out of context?, how large is the context?; what does the context include?, what does it exclude?). quotation page: Ars Longa, Vita Brevis: Art (is) long, life (is) short. Latin, pronounciation: (arz longa, veeta brevis) section title page: Section 1: Aesthetic Approximation Theory