title page: Maya Shastra: A Short Study of Maya, Akasha, Prana, and Vak; A Linguistic, Theologic, Aesthetic, and Mathematical Perspective On the Study of Sanskrit or: Sanskrit/Linguistic Theory, according to: A Study of Maya-Akasha Prana-Vak copyright page: copyright 1998?, by Vinyasi quotation page: Ars longa, vita brevis. (Arz longa, veeta brevis; Latin) Art (is) long, life (is) short. Acknowledgements Table of Contents Notations Text Glossary References Index Text Outline Preface Certain Preconditions for Understanding Taking a Premise on Faith, to a Point How much faith does it take to fill in the gaps of experience before acceptance of an idea occurs? Inner Knowing: The only Adjudication The Limits of Awareness Outer Knowing: The only Verification The Limits of Experience Induction Does it Help our Understanding of Things in General? Deduction... Is only as good as the faith-backed premises on which it is based Soul Memory The Only Basis for Demonstrating the Possibility for the Existence of Reincarnation The Linkage of Some of the Archaeological Findings are Predicated on this Premise Overview The Simultaneous Occurence of Parallel Ideas (The Non-Linear Creation of Reality) Different aspects of manifest reality(creation) "cause" each others' existence Their is a simultaneous inbreeding of: chicken begets itself as an egg and egg begets itself as a chicken A Self-looping of non-linear circular causality Favorability: Congruence of Factors ?Subjectively Demonstrable The Unknowable "That" is a word that signifies that ultimate reality is unknowable But the ultimate discrimination of a human is to discriminate between Self and Not-Self; so, a distinction is born out of what would otherwise be held to be unknowably indistinguishable: Brahman Is the unknowable mystery Father, or Not-Self---the World at large Atman Is the unknowable mystery Self---the Self at large Ultimate reality will never be entirely known, whether it be oneself, or not This makes the process of knowing an infinitely treasurable mystery The Knowable Is usually represented by the word "This" Krishna Is the highest God that pays any attention to humanity He is a Father of Fathers If the Almighty is our Father, than Krishna would be a Grandfather toward us But it is unnecessary to pray to Grandfather, since our Father is perfectly capable of helping us to help ourselves As a Tree is to Its Seed, so is Krishna to the Almighty, so is the Almighty to us, so are we toward that which is within us Maya-Prana-Akasha: Vak The Three Gunas as a Potentializing Framework(Maya-Prana-Akasha) From Which May Result Something More Tangible: Speech(Vak) and Thought Nature's Alphabet Transcends thought, words, and symbols, but is their ultimate source The same alphabet is used in three different ways: As Virtue, Consciousness, Space, and Speech Maya, Prana, and Akasha move<<< MaYa---Ma: That Which Is Not, Ya: A Coming Together of... It will be shown shortly, in the discussion on Ring Coding of Diety, that the opposite to any principle can never be found with absolute finality or be complete Change the scope of a context and the supposed opposite to some principle becomes relatively opposite and relatively parallel, while some new entry onto the scene becomes the new opposite This highlights "Ya" of Maya; Ya is a process of becoming that never finds fulfillment----it just keeps going and going for eternity looking for its elusive counterpart This keeps Creation going on and on for our, our forebears, and our successors sake We should have expected this; Maya defines the relative in terms of the absolute by default: It only says what it is not By adding "becoming", it suggests that the search for what it "is" will be elusively hopeless Perhaps, .....unless we can feel justified in assuming that it is this endless becoming of not-That is the complete opposite to That eternal non-changing Being Being and Becoming; That and This Creation is here for our benefit, to learn from: I am not This; I am That and all This is That Opposition does not come from a complete opposite, but from a partly parallel partly opposite condition The new change has to fit in somewhere; it has to have something within itself similar enough to its new surroundings to be welcomed in As any student of revolutions past would tell you, in many cases the guard has merely been changed In some rare instances, a complete makeover might occur But usually, cosmetically superficial changes of minor import actually take place Usually change occurs best where it is least noticed; then, at least, it gets a ripe beginning How much better it is for a child to be raised by loving parents than otherwise But what a relatively opposite does create, is ambivalence----opposites are relatively indifferent to each other For example, Being implies the capacity to be, but makes no distinctions as to what will be to what extent----in other words, Support of Nature is not directly connected to Being By meditating for the purpose of infusing more Being into the nature of the mind does not immediately improve Support of Nature But it does make us more receptive to God's will It also improves our sense of initiative In fact, whether Support comes or not has no direct correlation to Being We may have to trudge ahead anyway, without the involvement of others Support is elusive; it may not be "out there" as accolades, but instead be "in here" as a sense of personal accomplishment against personal, not social, odds "That" is the fountainhead of creativity "That" is the field of infinite potentiality Creativity knows no boundaries It takes a great deal of intelligence to hide (illude) reality, and MaYa is a terrific illusion Reality is potential; in order for reality to become creative, infinite potentiality must become hidden by inverting it---turning it into its opposite: a finite existence Infinity hides itself by way of inversion (not), creating the most fundamental form of duality Hence: Creative Intelligence is MaYa This state of not-That is ever receptive to the influx of intelligence from the wellspring of creativity Thus, a symbiotic relationship is born out of all possibilities: An infinite stream of creative impulses flow into an ever receptive intelligence These creative impulses are virtual realities, they don't exactly exist---their existence is illusory Even creative intelligence does not entirely exist There is little difference between a creative impulse, an intelligence that receives it, and the virtual reality that signifies all of this But the intelligence born and raised by the reception of creative impulses becomes the embodiment of virtue(s) Virtues in and of themselves are virtual Their embodiment become a living practical reality when Prana breathes dynamism into Akasha Prana is vibrating consciousness It entails different degrees of vibration from the lowest(of gross matter) to the highest(of God) God is a vibration so rapid that it appears to be still The rapidity of God's vibration is consumed entirely with coherence: the lack of unnecessary activity and the preponderance of concerted action Physical matter is a vibration so sluggish that it appears to be rapid The rapidity of gross vibrations is consumed mostly with incoherence, or entropy Akasha is maleable space The limits imposed on its maleability are predicated on principles of functionality Vak is the structured speech and thought of sentient beings Its structure will vary according to the type of nervous system that will engage in thinking and speaking Although similarities in language will hold among beings of similar type, circumstances will prompt different needs to be met by differences in distinguishing functionalities of space 1) Maya Diety: Hindu Mythology Besides using the I Ching as an organizing tool for diety, Hindu Mythology is a useful source for terminology since Sanscrit retains the best possible parallelism between the effectiveness of sound for producing results and the significance of those results (significance is often intended to imply meaning) ?Embodiments of Virtues: Principles of Creative Intelligence The I Ching Windowing A means of stepping down from abstract, to more specific, principles by adding factors of variation; same as branching factor: 1st 2nd 3rd example: A >>> C >>> F A >>> D >>> F A >>> E >>> F B >>> C >>> F B >>> D >>> F B >>> E >>> F Variation by: 2 3 1 :elements within each factor Ring Coding A means of arranging principles in the sequence of a ringed window by making only one change in the code at a time. The coding begins at the upper left, in this example, in a countercockwise motion. Window of Eight Groups/Items of Principles CODE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE CODE example: 111 Almighty Being 011 110 The Trinity Three Gunas 010 100 Adjunct Trinity Three Doshas 000 101 Nature's Support Initiative 001 ring sequence of coded principles: 111, 110, 100, 101, 001, 000, 010, 011 The meaning of each position within a code is based on the ten categories of Vaisheshika, one of the six systems of Indian Philosophy: Modifying principle: Creative, or Intelligence---two options for each code position with ten code positions, possible: two raised to the tenth power = 1024 = 2*2*2*2*2 * 2*2*2*2*2 This serves as a main framework which can be repeated indefinitely to any degree of distinction in units of 2^10 CODE POSITION CATAGORY FIRST UNMANIFEST PURE CONSCIOUSNESS The first sprouting of the unmanifest, at this primary stage of development, into Creative and Intelligence options, creates the first budding of MaYa: CODE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE CODE Outer Personality Inner Essential Nature 1 Almighty Being 0 SECOND MANIFEST PURE CONSCIOUSNESS This second code position may be thought of as a shell surrounding, or dependent on, the previous If the first code disappeared, this second code's significance would revert to being the first CODE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE CODE Outer Personality Inner Essential Nature Inner Core Diety 11 Almighty Being 01 Outer Surrounding Diety 10 Support of Nature Initiative 00 Notice that the code for the Almighty is opposite to the code for Initiative at this stage of indefinitely coding the infinite Since the opposite code for anything shifts as the number of code positions increase, complimentation of any principle is relative to breadth of perspective----there are no fixed opposites, but there is a process of increasing distinctions of complimentation In and of itself, initiative left unchecked by the support of nature guides in a direction away from the Almighty Being is the capacity of All to be; It makes no distinctions among existences; it is thus unconnected with any support, or its lack, given to initiative THIRD BECOMING CREATIVE CODE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE CODE Inner Core Diety 111 Almighty Being 011 Three Primary 110 The Trinity Three Gunas 010 Three Secondary 100 Adjunct Trinity Three Doshas 000 Outer Surrounding Diety 101 Nature's Support Initiative 001 FOURTH SELF(ATMA) At this stage, the basis for the formation of the human nervous system's crown chakra is begun The crown chakra is designated by the term "Atma" It is synonymous with the terms: higher guiding Self, Ego(as distinct from the personality---ego), and Guardian Angel When the ten positions are finally outlined, then the 1024 principles of Maya minus these sixteen will yield 1008 crown chakra petals These 1008 will then be seen in the context of sixteen (a series of sixteen primes) (please see accompanying figures 1a and 1b) The rod of God is a golden beam pointed at either end and hexagonally faceted It is at the hub of creation Its cross-section of dieties and their associated natures are depicted in figure 1a and 1b CODE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE CODE 1111 Ishvara(Almighty) Purusha(Being) 0111 1110 Brahma(Creator) Sattwa(Harmony) 0110 1100 Vishnu(Maintainer) Rajas(Activity) 0100 1101 Shiva(Destroyer) Tamas(Stability) 0101 1001 Ganesh(Wisdom) Vata 0001 1000 Uma(Mother Divine) Kapha 0000 1010 Surya(Power) Pitta 0010 1011 Dharma(Support of Nature) Kama(Initiative) 0011 FIFTH FEELINGS SIXTH INTELLECT SEVENTH MIND EIGHTH SENSES NINTH BEHAVIOUR TENTH COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS The creation of the need for ten, as opposed to any other value of, code positions comes from the three gunas And yet, the three gunas are produced because of this style of coding(which will be shown next)----truely a paradigm of mutual affirmation Yang/Yin The universal key to understanding any structure in (physical?) creation (linguistic, or otherwise) is duality Is paralleled in all life forms that we know anything about Their Outer Personality Yang Creative Their Inner Essential Nature Yin Intelligence Trigrams Zodiac(as we know it), Logic Formation, ring code, Yang, SCI's, repeat in reverse OUR VERSION TRADITIONAL CHINESE VERSION RING RING DECIMAL = OCTAL(BASE 8) TRIGRAM CODING TRIGRAM CODE CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE CODE 7 = 111 Yang/Yang/Yang Ch'ien(Creative) 1111 Ishvara(Almighty) Purusha(Being) 0111 6 = 110 Yang/Yang/Yin Sun(Penetrating Wind) 1110 Brahma(Creator) Sattwa(Harmony) 0110 5 = 101 Yang/Yin/Yang Li(Clinging Fire) 1100 Vishnu(Maintainer) Rajas(Activity) 0100 4 = 100 Yang/Yin/Yin Ken(Still Mountain) 1101 Shiva(Destroyer) Tamas(Stability) 0101 3 = 011 Yin/Yang/Yang Tui(Joyous Lake) 1001 Ganesh(Wisdom) Vata 0001 2 = 010 Yin/Yang/Yin K'an(Abysmal Water) 1000 Uma(Mother Divine) Kapha 0000 1 = 001 Yin/Yin/Yang Chen(Arousing Thunder) 1010 Surya(Power) Pitta 0010 0 = 000 Yin/Yin/Yin K'un(Receptive) 1011 Dharma(Support of Nature) Kama(Initiative) 0011 Hexagrams Binary Coding Windows Its Reinterpreted Adjustment: Rather than treat each group seperately, combine them: Yang/Yin * Trigrams * Hexagrams = 2 * 8 * 64 = 2 ^ (1+3+6) = 1024 Logic Formation of the Zodiac 2) Guru: Consciousness: Prana: Vibration Everything can be interpreted as a wave, or a vibration with a distinct pitch Love may span from the: Lowest: food, to the Highest: God.... Is a vibration so fast it appears to be still Octaves of Evolution Sanyasi: Recluse Swami: Monk (as part of an order) Yogi: Householder (that means most of us, in this context) Bhakta: Devotee; a seeker Gyani: Self-Realized (not a saint in the traditional Catholic Church sense of having miracles attributed) Rishi: Seer; one who sees himself in all, and all in self Guru: Master; capable of elevating a devotee to His (divine) consciousness Tones and Microtones of Zodiak Virtues Is created with speech, chakras, and music theory; here it is only vitual ?7 octaves * 144 (tones + microtones) = 1008 petals of the crow chakra = 2^4 * 3^2 * 7 prime factorization 3) Self: Atma The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara: Thousand Petaled, approximately) Petal Groupings Removal of the sixteen primary virtues leaves 1008 remaining from the original 1024 Petal arrangement is a summation of sixteen pairs of factors: The Sixteen Principles of the Science of Creative Intelligence 1008 = 1*9(or 3*3) + ({[2*5 + 3*2] + [5*5 + 7*2] + [11*5 + 13*2] + [17*5 + 19*2] + [23*5 + 29*2]} + {[31*5 + 37*2] + [41*5 + 43*2]}) + 47*1 The First Three Groups A) The Ten Categories of Vaisheshika 1+9=1+3*3 >>> Unmanifest Pure Consciousness, Manifest Pure Consciousness, Becoming Creative, Self, Feelings, Intellect, Mind, Senses, Behaviour, Collective Consciousness(Jigati: world consensus) Brahman Consciousness, Unity Consciousness, Glorified Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Transcendental Consciousness, Heightened Alertness, Wakefullness, Wakefull Dreaming, Dreaming, Dreamless Sleep Eight States of Consciousness plus two microdivisions(heightened alertness within wakefullness and dreaming) ?Sanscrit?: Boolean (Linear) Mathematics 2*5 >>> five pairs of complimentary math functions addition / addition of negation, multiplication / multiplication of a reciprocal, summation of squares / summation of reciprocals, ?/?, ?/? Physicality (Mineral Mind) B) Objectivity 2*5 >>> five pairs: sensation / expression smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing elimination, reproduction, locomotion(feet), craft(hands), speech(tongue) C) Subjectivity 3*2 >>> two triads Conscience (Soul) The Lords of Karma(same as the Day of Judgement, except that both are all the time; the only time we are listening though is when there is no more objective engagement(life) to distract us): The Way It Is, The Way It Could Be, Unconditional Love(Support) Inner Guidance (Guardian Angel) Intuition, Imagination, Inspiration ? D) Objectivity 5*5 >>> five pentads 4) Thought/Speech = ?/Vak Abstract Mentality: Sound Concrete Mentality: Concept Emotions and Desires: Graphic Symbol Power Language, The Language of the Gods Aesthetic programming tailored to fit the needs of each planet as a synopsis of: The Zodiac/Diety Parallel Music (vibration) Chakras and Speech Oriented Language A chakra is a wheel of light(fire), or a flower Major versus Minor Chakras... Major chakras arise from their association with zodiac signs that parallel the Outer Personalities of Dieties Minor chakras arise from their association with zodiac signs that parallel the Inner Essential Natures of Dieties The number of major chakras is equal to the number of minor chakras because of the dual nature of Diety, as we conceive it This also reflects on our nature to have both an outer and inner form Petals A chakra radiates extentions of itself and divides into specialized subgroupings known popularly as either tongues of flame, or as petals of a flower It will be shown in the section on aesthetic math: music theory/diatonic & adiatonic scales/major & minor keys, how the criteria for determining total the number of petals/letters for the two groups of chakras: major and minor, are derived from the creation of ideal modes (modes which have evolutionary value owing to their orderly sequence) So Nature puts both the inner and outer nature of Diety into the zodiac and chakra oriented language, but She also puts into this language a sense for music scale construction and what it esoterically represents Letters Speech phonemes(the sounds of speech) are defined in relation to one another; there is no absolute criteria for correct pronounciation A language must allow for dialects if it is to retain a large following---and the Sanscrit of any respective planet must have a potentially large following if it is truely hardwired into the humanoid nervous system Vowels A Flow of Energy Modification of Flow Diphthongs Consonants A Structure to Energy Modification of Structure Concatenation of Consonants Conventional Speech (Remaking God in Our Own Image) Words, Meaning, and Script quotation page: Plato We are referred to by people on the inner planes as "shadow people (living) in a shadow world"----Charlie Lutes "Chayajanata antar Chayajagat" (Sanscrit) ?correct? Planetary Anthropology The Formation of Two Planetary Types Earth: Third Flower from a Sodium Lighthouse Although the sun is predominantly composed of hydrogen and helium, spectroscopic analysis of the sun's light shows that the color value of its light is determined by the dominant impurity in its makeup: sodium Golden Numbers: 1.6180339....., 0.6180339..... = |(1 +- <5>) / 2| |absolute value| +- plus or minus Harmonic System A quadratic polynomial: x^2 +- x - 1 = 0, wherein the solution for "x" is one of either of the two Golden Numbers from above (they must be given opposite sign values for the polynomial's bookkeeping purposes; sign has no intrinsic aesthetic (ratio) value) Four Algebraic Series, Out of An Infinite Variety, With an Approximated Geometric Growth Rate of the above Golden Number: The Fibonacci Series 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ....& & Infinity Ratio Approximations of these Golden Numbers: 1.618... >>> 1/0=&, 1/1=1, 2/1=2, 3/2=1.5, 5/3=1.666..., 8/5=1.6, 13/8=1.625, 21/13=1.615..., & 0.618... >>> 0/1=0, 1/1=1, 1/2=0.5, 2/3=0.666...., 3/5=0.6, 5/8=0.625, 8/13=0.615..., & The Lucas Series 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123, 199, 322, ....& Ratio Approximations: 1.618... >>> 3/1=3, 4/3=1.333..., 7/4=1.75, 11/7=1.571..., 18/11=1.636..., 29/18=1.611..., 47/29=1.621..., & 0.618... >>> 1/3=0.333..., 3/4=0.75, 4/7=0.571..., 7/11=0.636..., 11/18=0.611..., 18/29=0.621..., & The Ocean Series (my choice of name) 1, 4, 5, 9, 14, 23, 37, 60, 97, 157, 254, 411, ....& Ratio Approximations: 1.618... >>> 4/1=4, 5/4=1.25, 9/5=1.8, 14/9=1.555..., 23/14=1.643..., 37/23=1.609..., 60/37=1.623..., & 0.618... >>> 1/4=0.25, 4/5=0.8, 5/9=0.555..., 9/14=0.643..., 14/23=0.609..., 23/37=0.623..., & The Ptah Series (my choice of name) 1, 5, 6, 11, 17, 28, 45, 73, 118, 191, 309, 500, 809, 1309, & Ratio Approximations: 1.618... >>> 5/1=5, 6/5=1.2, 11/6=1.833..., 17/11=1.545..., 28/17=1.647..., 45/28=1.607..., 73/45=1.622..., & 0.618... >>> 1/5=0.2, 5/6=0.833..., 6/11=0.545..., 11/17=0.647..., 17/23=0.607..., 23/45=0.622..., & Botany Salts Hypothesis: Approximate the Golden Number (1.618...) using a ratio of the total weight of negatively charged ions(anions) versus the total weight of positively charged ions(cations); the ions must be capable of dissolving easily in a liquid medium It is not known whether organic ions may be included Blood Plasma The Ideal Case According to the Edgar Cayce Medical Readings, an Earth human needs only four things: Need is assumed to be distinct from want. Since humans tend to want (organically composed) food in addition to these four needs, I will include organic anions (mostly fatty and lactic acids) and protein in the average case example. Since solving a formula in multiple unknowns is a difficult task, the ideal case(Edgar Cayce's example) will be restricted to just two unknowns: salt and soda. Water Salt(sodium chloride) Soda(was probably intended to mean: sodium bicarbonate) Iodine The body needs iodine for producing thyroxine, a thyroid hormone which regulates cellular respiration rates throughout the entire body. Because the amount of iodine needed by the body is so small, relative to the three other needs, I will not include it in the calculations that follow. Not even the ions of water associated with the ions of the above salts will be included. (Incidentally, thyroxine is stable for about six months, making the RDA of iodine valid only two days out of the year.) Sodium Chloride: atomic weight of sodium ion =: 23 =: is approximately equal to hydrogen is the reference weight at 1 unit of weight atomic weight of chloride ion =: 35.5 23 / 35.5 = 0.648..., 35.5 / 23 = 1.543... Sodium Bicarbonate (Hydrogen Carbonate; a buffer against acidity in the blood of humans and animals) atomic weight of sodium ion =: 23 atomic weight of hydrogen ion =: 0, is not included since one ion each of hydrogen and hydroxyl taken together make water atomic weight of carbonate ion =: 60, one carbon plus three oxygens = 12 + 3*16 = 12 + 48 = 60 Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate the atomic weights of: sodium divided by carbonate; and its reciprocal. 23 / 60 = 0.383...; 60 / 23 = 2.609... An Ideal Mixture of: 93% sodium chloride combined with 7% sodium bicarbonate, by weight, will yield a ratio weight of positively charged ions in proportion to negatively charged ions: [100% * 23] / {[93% * 35.5] + [7% * 60]} = 0.619.... Its reciprocal ratio of: 1 / 0.619... = 1.616.... The Average Case Anions milligram weight per 100 milliLiters Chloride 364 Carbonate(CO3) 162 Phosphate(PO4) 10 Sulfate(SO4) 5 Organic anions 27 Proteins: ? + ? --------------- ---- Subtotal 568, at least Cations milligram weight per 100 milliLiters Sodium 330 Potassium 19 Calcium 10 Magnesium + 3 --------- ---- Subtotal 364 Ratio of subtotals: 568 / 364 =: 1.560.... Its reciprocal is less than: 1 / 1.560... =: 0.641.... Conclusion The body is trying to at least maintain salts' original ratio of 1.542... in spite of the additional variety of ions in the blood plasma But this is inconclusive, since blood values vary among authors The actual value may be either closer to the golden ratio, or higher than it Ocean Salts: considering eight major ions of Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Chloride, Sulfate, Carbonate, and Bromide Anions Percentage Weight in Seawater Chloride 1.9050 Sulfate(SO4) 0.3531 Carbonate(CO3) 0.0138 Bromide + 0.0066 --------- ------ Total Acids 2.2785 Cations Percentage Weight in Seawater(courtesy of Von Nostrum's Scientific Encyclopaedia) Sodium 1.0550 Magnesium 0.1290 Calcium 0.0404 Potassium + 0.0380 --------- ------ Total Bases 1.2624 Ratio of Subtotaled Percentage Weights: 2.2785 / 1.2624 = 1.805 The third Ocean Series ratio approximation of 1.618...: 9 / 5 = 1.8 A ratio approximation of the chromatic scales' minor 7th interval: 9 / 5 (see discussion, which shortly follows, on music scales/chromatic scales/continued fractions of logarithmic notes) Conclusion: According to a scientific view: Earth is trying to approximate the golden number in blood and seawater with some degree of accuracy---although it isn't the simplest, most direct route (she could have used an approximating ratio from the Fibonacci series). According to an aesthetic view: Mother Earth isn't trying to be scientifically exact with Her ratios, but is instead seeking a stylistic approximation for our environment to live by. An all-around view: Both seawater and blood plasma ratios are too high in order to parallel each other, whatever their cause. Conclusion for blood plasma and seawater: Biological systems are good at maintaining themes, while the Earth's seawater lacks feedback mechanisms to regulate itself Whether that theme is suppose to be salt (1.54) or the golden ratio (1.62) is still in question Zodiac Virtues Twelve Core of Primary Sixteen Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagitarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces Music Scales Chromatic Scale Twelve Notes Zodiac Positions Black Keys C# Aries, ...., A# Leo White Keys C Virgo, ...., B Pisces Approximate Equal Temperment Localities Continued Fractions of Logarithmic Notes Recombinations of this Golden Harmonic System's Approximating Ratios Modes Seven Diatonic (Seven Notes Each) White key template The starting note of each scale proceeds as a circle of perfect fourths: B, E, A, D, G, C, F 1) Locrian: B to A 2) Phrygian: E to D 3) Aeolian: A to G 4) Dorian: D to C 5) Mixolydian: G to F 6) Iolian: C to B 7) Lydian: F to E Major (Penultimate Robust Mode) Minor (Third Mode From the Deflated Bottom) The Piano (Equal Temperment) Keyboard Seven Octaves of the Evolution of Consciousness Times Twelve Zodiak Plus Four Shifted Notes Equals Eighty-Four Keys Normal: Winter/Spring Shifted down four notes: Summer/Fall Five (Pentatonic) Adiatonic (Five Notes Each) Speech Language Overview Musical modes and Vaisheshika's categories are the first schemes used to trigger a formulation of chakra-letters Generalized Formation from the Zodiac and Vaisheshika: 10 * 12 = 120 Major/Minor Chakras: (5 * 10 = 50) + (7 * 10 = 70) = 120 Kala/SCI: 7.5 * 16 = 120 (16 * 7 = 112) + [(2 + 6 = 8) * 1] = 120 This exhibits the circular nature(mandala) to the otherwise linear series of chakras downward along the spine and its phonemes created outwardly from the throat towards the lips (12 * 9 = 108) + [(12) * 1] = 120 ?This has no break-down Crown Chakra Major Chakra Letters 1 Glottal Stop 1*2= 2 Ajna letters 2*5=10 Pure Vowels 3*2= 6 Liquid Semi-Vowels 5*5=25 Consonants 7*1= 7 Assorted Sibilants, Chromatic Notes and Amino Acids Major Chakra Letters Amino acids, classified by chemical qualities ----------- How many in @ class --- Hydroscopic: 1 * 1 = 1 glottal stop Hydrophobic: 7 * 2 = 14 vowels, [a,A,i,I,u,U,e,AI,o,AU,ri,rI,lri,lrI] Polar: 8 * 4 = 32 consonants [5*5 block, plus:y,v,s~,s.,s,x,h] Charged: 4 * 1 = 4 vow;cons. [?.,h.;r,l] ----------- --- Total 50 letters, plus 1 glottal stop Minor Chakra Letters Amino acids, classified by chemical qualities ----------- How many in @ class --- Hydroscopic: 1 * 1 = 1 glottal stop Hydrophobic: 7 * 6 = 42 ? Polar: 8 * 3 = 24 ? Charged: 4 * 1 = 4 ?vow;cons. ----------- --- Total 70 letters, plus 1 glottal stop Maya and the Gunas Arrangement of the Letters According to Their Phonemes and Standing Wave Patterns Arrangement of the Letters According to Chromatic Notes and the Essential Amino Acids Arrangement of the Letters According to Maya and the Gunas Crown Chakra Arrangement of the Letters 1) Transcendental [x]...the Knower This letter is an artificial construct; it doesn't even have its own symbol in Sanscrit, because it represents something Absolute which lies outside the field of relativity 1*9, first of nine) The Void = Preformation of the Following [h]...the Field void of actualities; manifest potentiality This letter is synonymous with the cipher for zero; it represents the epitomy of phonemes(unvoiced potential vowels) as a rushing sound 2*5) Vowels FULL flat [I] [i] [AI], or [AE] [e] [A] [a] [AU], or [AW] [o] [U] [u] 3*2 ? ? ? 5*5 7*1 Major plus Minor Chakra Arrangement of the Letters ?Whether a chakra is major or minor depends on whether its associated zodiac sign is from the Yang(Outer Personality) side of the sixteen principles governing the formation of Atma, or from the Yin(Inner Essential Nature) side ?A chakra's theme is its governing zodiac sign Each chakra's petals are distinguished as elements from the sixteen Kalas A chakra's theme modifies its Kala elements Major and minor chakras are grouped into developmental stages of sentient beings Although major chakras are traditionally counted as being seven in number, what is really being counted are groups of major and minor chakras Since major chakras are exoteric in nature, they are traditionally listed while their associated minor chakras(being esoteric) are traditionally never mentioned Table of Chakras 6 Chakras representing major concepts and letters that are potentially common to every human being on Earth 1 Chakra representing the fulfillment of human evolution: Self-Realization (Sahasrara Chakra) 1 Chakra (in a larger sense) representing the Divine Self as an Individual (Jivatma) 6 Chakras representing minor concepts and letters that are potentially common to every human being on Earth Their Names, Synonyms, and Number of Petals Name--meaning; synonym(s) [cakra]--wheel; root of verb [car]--to move; all are usually called chakras, unless stated otherwise; Padma--Kamala--lotus Major Minor [mUlAdhAra]--root foundation; [mUlA]--root of the nadis; [AdhAra]--base [svAdhis ]--self base [manipUra]--jeweled city Ananda Kanda--bliss bulb(, root of) [anAhata]--unstruck sound; Hrit Padma--heart lotus Vishuddha--pure(purity is required to open this chakra) [tAlu]--palate [AjnA]--command; Guru--mentor; [bhrU]...brow Manas--mind; both Manas and Indu taken together: [pUrna giri pItha]--full mountain seat Indu--juice; Soma--?; Shodasha--? ?No Name [sahasrAra]--?; Sahasra Dala--?; nirvana--extinction Eight Major: Mantra-Bindu, or Seed Characteristic Muladhara Bhuh Being; getting by; simple existence Svadhishthana Bhuvah Becoming...(a status); being, in a stronger sense; Urges(have a certain urgency to them); Wannabe...---Want to become some status similar to a role model Manipura Svah Possession of One's Own...: reputation, responsibilities, wealth, knowledge, etc.; semi-civilized human existence Anahata Tapah Removal, by the purifying fire of austerity, of anything that would lead us to have a false sense of self (identification with Maya) Vishuddha Jana Causality; The ability to bring into being Ajna Mahah Great; highly-esteemed Prophet, Soul, or incarnation of an Individual Sahasrara Satya Truth; Wisdom---That which knows no opposite Jiva Atma The Divine Self; an individuality distinct from all others in the scheme of things and characterized by its Divine status Six Minor The six minor chakras are intimately co-associated with their major chakras Because the evolution of consciousness, as kundalini, rises sequentially from the fourth chakra onward, only individuals who have opened up their heart chakra(usually through religion---resulting in the awareness: the world is one family) would begin to utilize and appreciate the petals/letters/concepts/precepts of the minor chakras since the minor chakras have no association with the first three major chakras An overview of the fourteen chakras, their relative position along the spine Major Minor Jiva---all pervading Dvadasha'anta---(the line of chakras?)ending twelve digits above the head Sahasrara---literally thousand ?; crown chakra ?Brahmara---(honey-)bee chakra, located below the crown chakra Indu---is a higher mind, located above the Indu chakra; sixteen mental principles Manas---located above the brow chakra, it serves as a channel for perception to rise up into Indu; six philosophies to one's vision Ajna---brow chakra; two points of view Talu---located below the throat chakra; twelve stories to tell(zodiac) Vishuddha---throat chakra; sixteen truths Anahata---heart chakra; twelve austerities(heroic deeds of valor) Hrit Padma---located within the heart chakra; the seeker of God (a Bhakta; see prior discussion on Prana) goes searching in one of eight compass directions Manipura---navel chakra; ten things to possess: 2charisma(vitality), 1wealth, power(leverage over: 3others, 4self-control), 5knowledge, 6perspective(point-of-view), 7grace(virtue, conscious attainment, guidance), responsibilities toward the: relative(debts due to 8action or 9inaction) or the 10absolute(dharma, one's destiny) Svadhishthana---spleen chakra; six drives for becoming something greater: Muladhara---sacral chakra; four basic drives of survival: work, food, rest, play Rhythms Grades of Consciousness Kalas Principles of S.C.I. 1 Sub-Human Mineral Fullness 2 Sub-Human Vegetable Purposefulness 3 Sub-Human Animal Spontaneity 5 Human(Earthy Body) Sleep Activity 7 Human(Watery Body) Dream Direction 11 Human(Fiery Body) Waking Progress 13 Human(Airy Body) Transcending Transcending 17 Human(Space Body of Light) Self-Realized Acceleration 19 Super-Human(Lord/Avatar) Rama Integration 23 Super-Human(Lord/Avatar) Buddha Stability 29 Super-Human(Lord/Avatar) Ra(-ta) Adaptability 31 Super-Human(Lord/Avatar) Osiris Joyfulness 37 Super-Human(Lord/Avatar) Christ Evolution 41 Super-Human(Lord/Avatar) Maitreya Purification 43 Super-Human(Lord/Avatar) Kalki Harmony 47 Super-Human(Lord/Avatar) Krishna Fulfillment (Earth) Sanscrit Vowels Flat/Short Full/Long(capitalized) Pitch Neutral High Low Semi-Liquid Nasalized Consonants Serial Position in the Mouth Pyramidal Form Liquid Sibilants Pronounciation guide (Sanscrit dictionary order) Vowels [a]...the "u" in "mutt" [A]...the "o" in "lot" [i]...the "i" in "tin" [I]...the "ee" in "seen" [u]...the "oo" in "book" [U]...the "oo" in "boo!" [e]... [AI]...the "y" in "my"; although this is a diphthong, the two vowel sounds may go so far as to melt together to create the vowel: [AE]---the "a" in "flat" [o]... [AU]...the "ou" in "loud"; this is also a diphthong, and may become the vowel: [AW]---the "aw" in "law" [ri]...a strongly rolled "r", followed by a [i] [rI]...a strongly rolled "r", followed by a [I] [lri]... [lrI]... [?~]...a vowel followed by a wavy line signifies the vowel is nasal; if the vowel is in the interior of a word and followed by a consonant, the consonant will be a stopped consonant; if the stopped [?.]... [k]...the "k" in "kite" [x]...the "ct" in "action"; devanagari(traditionally, [ks.]; I am using our letter "x" because it follows so naturally and is probably the Anglicized version, anyway [kh]...the "ckh" in "blockhouse" [v]...may be pronounced in any one of four or five different ways: Two blocks of ways, depending on the word: 1) "v", as in "vast" "vw" within all letter contexts "w", as in "word", when it follows a consonant 2) "v" at the beginning of certain words that are spelled with a [b] "bv"? The Presupposed Major/Minor Distribution of Letters Among the Chakras According to Music Theory A Hypothetical Distribution of Letters Among the Chakras Six Major Chakras: Fifty Exoteric Petal/Letters Brow (Ajna Chakra) Two Letters: Theme Kala SCI Principle Presiding Diety [x]: The Knower (Kshetra), Point of View, Fullness, Infinity, Yang [h]: The Knower of the Field(Kshetragya)---the Void; devoid of presupposition---a receiver, Field of View, Emptiness, Zero, Yin [x] is the source for [h], but [h] is the source for all of the following 48 major chakra letters Throat (Vishuddha Chakra) Sixteen Letters: Theme Kala SCI Principle Presiding Diety [a] : 2 Vegetable Purposefulness [A] : Fullness 1 Mineral Fullness [i] : 47 Krishna Fulfillment [I] : Progression 43 Kalki Harmony [u] : 41 Maitreya Purification [U] : 37 Christ Evolution [ri] : 31 Osiris Joyfulness [rI] : 29 Ra Adaptability [lri] : 23 Buddha Stability [lrI] : 19 Rama Integration [e] : 17 Realized Acceleration [AI] : 13 Transcend Transcending [o] : 11 Waking Progress [AU] : 7 Dream Direction [?~] : 5 Sleep Activity [?.] : 3 Animal Spontaneity Heart (Anahata Chakra) Twelve Letters: Theme Kala SCI Principle Presiding Diety [k] : 2 Vegetable Purposefulness [kh] : 1 Mineral Fullness [g] : mark 47 Krishna Fulfillment [gh] : 43 Kalki Harmony [ng] : 41 Maitreya Purification [c] : 37 Christ Evolution [ch] : 31 Osiris Joyfulness [j] : 29 Ra Adaptability [jh] : 23 Buddha Stability [~n] : 19 Rama Integration [t.] : 17 Realized Acceleration [th.] : 13 Transcend Transcending Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra), Ownership of... Ten Petals: Theme Kala SCI Principle Presiding Diety [d.] : 11 Waking Progress [dh.] : 7 Dream Direction [n.] : ?Negation 5 Sleep Activity [t] : 3 Animal Spontaneity [th] : 2 Vegetable Purposefulness [d] : 1 Mineral Fullness [dh] : 47 Krishna Fulfillment [n] : Negation 43 Kalki Harmony [p] : small 41 Maitreya Purification [ph] : 37 Christ Evolution Spleen Plexus (Svadhishthana Chakra), The Urge to Become... Six Petals: Theme Kala SCI Principle Presiding Diety [b] : big (amass) 31 Osiris Joyfulness [bh]: shining (share) 29 Ra Adaptability [m] : maintain (the status quo) 23 Buddha Stability [y] : bring together (unite) 19 Rama Integration [r] : give forth, a straight line 17 Realized Acceleration [l] : take back, a looping curve 13 Transcend Transcending Basal, Sacral, or Root Plexus (Muladhara Chakra), Being Engaged in... Four Petals: Theme Kala SCI Principle Presiding Diety [v] : Effort(Work) 11 Waking Progress [s~] : Nourishment(Eat) 7 Dream Direction [s.] : Rest(Sleep) 5 Sleep Activity [s] : Recreation(Play) 3 Animal Spontaneity Lila-Shakti Examples, [p]...small [pra]...sprout [ra]...a coming forth from something, p...small [pran.a]...exists in the small space between the air molecules [pipIlika]...ant [pus~pa]...flower It is the little things that bring charm Six Minor Chakras: Seventy Esoteric Petal/Letters Ananda Kanda Chakra (Hrit Padma, The Golden Lotus Within The Heart) Eight Petals (compass directions) North North-East East South-East South South-West West North-West Archaeology Egypt Hypothesized History Human/Animal Forms Lack of Hard and Objective Technologies Age of Great Pyramid Radiocarbon dating: 71,000 years old Any dating over 46,000 years is automatically tossed out. Why? Margin-of-error. What a loss. Esoterically sourced information: 75,000 years old (courtesy of the lectures of Charlie Lutes) The Long Lapse of Time The East Indian conception of Time Khufu, the inheritor of a tradition more ancient than himself and too subtle for him (and his priests) to figure out =: refers to "...is misconceived from the original purpose of...", in this context Subject: death cult =: astral travel Edifice: really big tomb =: pyramid Purpose: mumification of a royal corpse =: first-hand management of a kingdom by its paternal pharaoh(Ra) built by his assisting priests Means: arcane rituals =: stabilization of the human element at a time when the animal element within man was still very prevalent Hypothesized Trigonometry A Portion of the Ptah Series as an Approximate Trigometry Table (my choice of name) Pyramids Some General Features of their Construction Technique The Coastal Rock Garden north of Miami, Florida Proportional Measurements Pi: Height and Base Square Root of 1/4 Pi: ?North/South Axis Phi: ?East/West Axis or vice versa Use The Unfinished Chamber The Finished Chamber Maldek: (Was) Fifth Flower from the Sun; what is left of it is a belt of comets between Mars and Jupiter Sacred Ratios: 2.41421359..., 0.41421359.... = 1 +- <2> Two Pell Series Pell(1) 0, 2, 5, 12, 29, 70, 169, 408, 985, & Pell(2) 1, 3, 7, 17, 41, 99, 239, 577, 1393, & Salts Hypothesis: Approximate the Sacred Number, 1 +- <2>, using a ratio of the total atomic weights of negatively charged ions versus the total atomic weight of positively charged ions forming binary salts capable of dissolving easily in water and serving as an electrolyte Blood Attempting to parallel the Edgar Cayce Medical Readings for Maldek, a human residing on this planet should require only four things: Water, Salt(sodium ammonium sulfate), Soda and Ammonium Bicarbonate(sodium and ammonium ions plus a weak buffer), Sulfide Sodium Ammonium Sulfate: atomic weight of sulfate ion(SO4) =: 96 atomic weight of sodium ion =: 23 atomic weight of ammonium ion(NH4) =: 18 ratio of anion divided by cations 96 / (23 + 18) = 2.341... its reciprocal: (23 + 18) / 96 = 0.427... Sodium/Ammonium Bicarbonate atomic weight of carbonate ion =: 60, one carbon plus three oxygens = 12 + (3 * 16) = 12 + 48 = 60 atomic weight of sodium ion =: 23 atomic weight of ammonium ion(NH4) =: 18 atomic weight of hydrogen ion =: 0 Sodium/Ammonium Double Hydrogen Carbonate (23 + 18 + 2) / (2 * 60) = 0.358..., (2 * 60) / (23 + 18 + 2) = 2.791... An Ideal Mixture of: 84% sodium ammonium sulfate combined with 16% sodium/ammonium bicarbonate, by weight, will yield a ratio weight of positively charged ions in proportion to negatively charged ions: 84% * 0.427... + 16% * 0.358... = 0.414... Its reciprocal ratio of: 1 / 0.414... = 2.413.... The Actual Mixture is: remains to be known Ocean Salts: hypothesizing four major ions of Sodium, Ammonium, Magnesium, and Sulfate Sodium Ammonium Sulfate: atomic weight of sodium ion =: 23 atomic weight of ammonium ion(NH4) =: 18 atomic weight of sulfate ion(SO4) =: 96 (23 + 18) / (96) =: 0.427..., (96) / (23 + 18) =: 2.341... Magnesium Sulfate: atomic weight of magnesium ion =: 24 atomic weight of sulfate ion(SO4) =: 96 24 / 96 = 0.25, 96 / 24 = 4 An Ideal Mixture of: 96% sodium ammonium sulfate combined with 4% magnesium sulfate yields: 96% * 0.427... + 4% * 0.25 = 2.407... The third approximating ratio in the first Pell series: 12 / 5 = 2.4 A ratio approximation of the chromatic scales' minor 10th interval: 12 / 5 Conclusion: The planet Maldek is trying to approximate the above sacred number in her seawater with some degree of accuracy. Zodiak Virtues Primary Sixteen Music Scales Chromatic Sixteen Notes Modes Nine Diatonic (Nine Notes Each) Major (Penultimate Robust Mode) Minor (Third Mode From the Deflated Bottom) The Piano (Equal Temperment) Keyboard Seven Adiatonic (Seven Notes Each) Speech Language Letters Formed from Zodiak Virtues and Vaisheshika: 16 * 10 = 160 Total (7 * 10 = 70) + (9 * 10 = 90) = 160 (16 * 9 = 144) + [(4 + 12 = 16) * 1] = 160 10 * 16 = 160 Eighteen Major and Minor Chakras (Maldek) Sanscrit Eight Major Chakras: Seventy Exoteric Petal/Letters One Crown Chakra One Divine Self Chakra Eight Minor Chakras: Ninety Esoteric Petal/Letters Theory of Dissolution Bubble Creation Theory Sister Planets Underground Thermo-Nuclear Blasts Destabilizing the Integrity of the Planet's Crust A Jupiter Flyby Trigger and/or Allignment of the Larger Planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, etc. Hypothesis of Mar's present state Quarantine on the Earth's Moon Atmospheric Blowout Arrival in Atlantis Today's Earth cultures are a glimpse into some of Maldek's cultural and scientific flair Archaeology Rome Ostia Gardens Apartment Complex The Sacred Cut Origin of the Name Geometry