title page: Chapter 1: Three Preliminary Definitions "That which hath been is that which shall be, And that which hath been done is that which shall be done; And there is nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1.9 Goal: to define division by zero, offer a parallel definition of imaginary numbers, and broaden the scope of "mathematically oriented" aesthetics. Subject Overview: Value, Sign, Modularity, Division, Algebra, Number Bases, Examples, Summary. Value: The unknowable is the transcendental nature of reality. Reality includes the unknowable and the knowable. The knowable is further subdivided into the unknown, and the known. The unknowable nature of reality makes possible the infinite range of existence in a state that is both removed from the knowable and essential to it. The entirety of reality can not be known because only a finite portion of its structure matches the structure of the human nervous system. That which does not transcend existential reality can be known by the human aspect to ourselves, but for knowing anything else we must operate beyond ourself in a stable manner. Within the unknowable is an infinite range of possibilities to existence. Each and every existence is parametered as a reality structure. Creation refers to one of the many processes that occur within our particular reality, but it is a misrepresentation if it is assumed that reality was ever created. Worlds within our reality are born, live out their development, and expire, but each parametered reality always was, is, and forever will be because each is within the context of an absolute, non-changing reference. Of this unknowable, the knowable is made; it is its primary substance. The knowable, in its essential nature as well as in its entirety, can never be completely known---God, you, me, the universe---will forever remain somewhat of a mystery, as it should be. For if ever there was a limit to knowledge, we would expire of fulfillment. But we don't expire; we continue on in ways unimaginable to us humans. In other words, the knowable is essentially transcendental in its most refined aspect. This transcendental nature to reality is unity. Of this infinitude, mathematics is born in the language of objectivity---duality: positive and negative, yang and yin, male and female, day and night, reference and perspective, point and field, absolute and relative. Trinity expresses our subjectivity, as exemplified in the previously mentioned three states of knowing. From the standpoint of mathematics, magnitude is born of the transcendental. Its value cannot begin to be ascertained unless taken to the field of objectivity: transcendental and relative. Within the relative field, value can be discerned in contrast to the non-valued transcendental, since it has limitations: it is composed of finite magnitude. So far, we have two magnitudes: the unlimited transcendental and the finite relative. The following section will further dissect this unlimited transcendental into a duality of a double nature: infinity/positive versus zero/negative. Sign: Within the field of transcendental magnitude, value cannot be known, but distinctions can be made as to sign. Within our style of reasoning, positive is a reference and negative is its perspective. Whatever we choose to be the reference must be the dominating principle, the male/yang, even if exhibited by a female. (But lest you be dissappointed, humans are far more complex than their physicality would imply: they are a multi-layered system of male and female genders at different strata of subtlety, all of which are within an objective context. More on this later---maybe in another text.) Existence is our relative reference within a system of thinking in "duals". Accounting would prefer to make zero the reference, since the starting point of counting is zero. But the thing being counted is an existential thought, regardless of its "count", and must be considered as the referential thought with its count being subsidiary. Thus, a thing being referred to when thinking about it is a positive mental existence, while its count starts out at zero. Putting attention on something is an act of positive reference, while its opposite perspective of "what really may be the case" is reflected in the starting point of its count being considered as a non-existencial zero. Significant References Castaneda, Carlos---writings; Matus, Don Juan---discourses computer architecture(one's compliment arithmetic), modular congruency(number theory) I Ching, "The Chinese Book of Changes"---central theories concerning the universe Lutes, Charlie---lectures Mahesh Yogi, Maharishi---The Science of Creative Intelligence, lesson 18