Maya Shastra(Sanskrit) Sanskrit: An ancient tongue fallen out of common use; the language of the "gods" Maya: The process whereby "That" becomes "This"; the Veil (or, so called, "illusion") which seperates the two; Creative Intelligence "That": Pure Unmanifest Absolute Transcendental Being; The Unknowable "This": The Manifest Relative; The Knowable Shastra: (literally) Sword; Scripture; Science; A Study of-- The equivalent phrase, when translated into English: The Science of Creative Intelligence Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and the Transcendental Meditation program that he furthered, has first dibs on this phrase and rightly so. If not for him and this movement, I would have never written this treatise on language theory. Actually, ?'s English translation of the Chinese Book of Changes, the "I Ching", also contains the terms: the "Creative", for the name of the first trigram, Ch'ien, represented by three solid lines: III and the "Intelligence", used for the name of the eighth and last trigram, K'un, represented by three broken lines: ||| which predates Maharishi's English usage of the terms by ? years. These words are significant whenever Asian philosophy addresses duality. The relative is represented by the two principles of Yang and Yin. Each are symbolized and epitomized by a solid and broken line: I, and |. When this simple binary (base two) method of depicting the relative is expanded into an octal (base eight) system of trigrams, then two of the most significant trigrams have either all solid or all broken lines. Maharishi is the first to capitalize on these terms, their use, and their trademarking as part of a larger system with a different perspective: The Science of Creative Intelligence and The Transcendental Meditation Program; or, how Being interfaces with the relative and how the individual can improve his or her enjoyment of both. My focus is on how we perceive the interaction and how it manifests planetary communication systems. I don't purport to duplicate, improve upon, or displace Maharishi's efforts by borrowing his terminology. But I can't help feeling the appropriate- ness of translating the Sanskrit title by using his terminology and the terminology of the I Ching because of their accuracy. Maya Shastra is a succinct way of putting the English phrase into the Sanskrit--although there are probably others. Check out Maharishi's course on The Science of Creative Intelligence. It serves as the theoretical backdrop for the Transcendental Meditation Program. Lesson eighteen is usefull for helping to define division by zero.