
updated March 21, 1998

      These essays are an attempt to explain linguistic study in terms of a study of the mind of God. If he uses a language for thought, what would this language be? Although that was my boyhood wish, the most that I can vouch for after 35 years of percolating is a vague understanding of how planetary languages are preformulated along with other life- structuring decisions, such as: how shall we think of diety, how shall our nervous systems respond to vibrations that are intended to cultivate our sense for evolution, and how shall our compensation for enlightening ourselves be returned to us in the form of power? It is a crucial step in linking seeming unrelated puzzle- pieces that make the architecture known as planet- forming a reality in the mind of Life.
      As outlined in MayaShastra's definition, I'm only dealing here with multiplicity, not with unity. So please don't get my endeavors confused with being some sort of substitute for That. Our material existence is largely geared for duality. Our so-called spiritual existence is largely geared for trinity. Both derive their all-in-one and one-in-all mentality from diety's sense for unity. That is the gift of prime numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, etc.): an essential indivisibility they share with their first and foremost member -----the number one. But "1" often gets overlooked as the forerunner of multiplicity. Primes show- case their nature as being unique and one-of-a-kind: definable. The number one has a different stance: less easily definable; but cloneable into a myriad of various offshoots. This is one approach to the study of language: to take the approach of power -----siddhi power------ and relate it to the Self: The Guardian Angelic Atma. This is done through the study of the crown chakra (Sahasrara). It is a study largely based on a prime arrangement of its thousand- petaled lotus seated at, or slightly above, the crown of the head. The study of a cosmic alphabet has approximately three offshoots and this is one of them. I may refer to this as the Atma list (of atomic letter-concepts).
      Another so-called list is the Guru list. It deals with vibration's involvement with evolution. Whereas Atma deals with siddhis, Guru deals with prana: vibration manifesting as consciousness. If one knew all there was to know about vibration, one would know God. God is the highest vibration ------vibrating so fast, it appears to be standing still. The spirit- seeker's journey is milestoned by the divisions of prana which is also a template for aesthetics: music, art, and consciousness. [Just as disciples learn from the feet of great Masters, so too with "the Masters" ------be they great artists, or truth-sayers.]
      The third list is the Ishvwara list. For some reason I have described these lists in reverse to their normal depiction, which is: Ishvwara, Guru, Atma. I don't know why. The Ishvwara list is a third means of interpreting the thousand- lettered cosmic alphabet as an alphabet concerning diety's role in language ----and reason, of all things. But this shouldn't come as a surprise that logic (Boolean, etc.) and theology should be kissin' cousins ----we are supposed to be reasonably compassionate: to think with our hearts as well as feel with our minds. The Chinese Book of Changes, the I Ching, sheds some light on helping to arrange Diety's many facets into a comprehensible myri-ad. The kalas of vedic tradition are used to dissect the logical basis to a planet's Sanskrit (root-language) alphabet. It is a boolean (base two) arrangement. It is another way to organize all of the non-crown chakras and their petal/letter-concepts. It is more similar to what we are familiar with when it comes to the study of intrinsic languistic meanings.
      The language system described herein is self- effecting and interdependent of its individual conceptual elements. Understanding interdependence is not at all difficult, because the idea is not a new one. Self- effection is also not new if I care to rephrase it as: which came first, the chicken or the egg? It would be easy to assume that the creation of interdependent concepts is exclusively sequential. This is partly true, but from time to time, here and there, the line of reasoning forms a basis to understanding the structural integrity of its own premise. It is a very closed system of ideas in other words. Nothing else is needed except a more thorough understanding of itself. Linearity is a behaviour of the human mind, because our mental and material existence is within the domain of duality. So one of the fundamental relative basise to this discussion, the Ishvwara list, is arranged within a binary format. This is not to say that this is the way that this discussion would be viewed by other beings within our over- arching creation. But for a linearly reasoned human being, this is one requirement of our mental modeling. Self- effection concerns the whole, while interdependence concerns its parts. This is a linguistic means to describing the situation. It might improve things if I draw a map of these lists showing how they relate to one another.
      As related in Why I Get Off On Sanskrit, an original thought is a composite of individual thought segments, each thought segment being equivalent to a sentence. Such a composite thought when seen with the inner sight is likened to a self- luminous polyhedra in shape. It was further related that these polyhedral thoughts come from somewhere beyond the mind's view as a steady stream of consciousness. In this sense, creation is a linear process-----using creation of thought as an example. But notice that the creation of a composite group of inter- related segment- thoughts is created wholy entire. Our analysis with our left- brain, using speech language as our organizing tool, produces another linear reality: the paths we take to zip around within the composite whole. This linear reality is artificially created by us at our whim and cannot be mistaken for the sequential unfoldment of creation. It is easy to assume that all things relative can be reduced through segmentation, but this would be a virtual creation-----taken out of context-------created inside our head. The creative process is not an analytical one (although education is). Original ideas are manifested whole, without an excuse for their existence-----they just ARE. This explaination may help when pondering paradigms of Creation. Don't get caught up in the sequential creation of wholes, as is depicted in the Bible for instance: "....the seven days of creation." Remember that a whole day is still whole, even after you have picked it apart until nauseous.
      A further example of sequential creation of wholes is the creation of celestial beings, also known as "gods"----beings with a small 'g'. They are automatons, in a sense, in that they are designed perfectly intelligent for whatever is their destined task, and in that they go about their business with the utmost efficiency (provided nothing goes awry----but rare). [If sincerely addressed though, angels will stop what they are doing and minister to the petitioner, sharing their enlightened vision (the quality of seeing the long- range trends behind things), bliss, and healing power.] But they do not evolve into a god; they are born that way.
      You will notice I make no mention of UFO's. I take them for granted as a given. This isn't my focus. My focus is our track record (pretty poor) and our tendencies (gradually getting better). The burden is on us to do a better job than whatever we may have done in the past and at least not make the same mistakes --------make better ones.
      The question of identity comes up in my mind whenever I hear talk of aliens, because, the cynic that I am, I am interested in motives. What type of creature is this alien? Is it animal, human, or a god? The physical appearance that we have is somewhat standard, because it is an ideal makeup. But it says nothing of the inner status. Humanoid does not imply human (although the reverse is true if the inner status is given enough time to effect an outward appearance). These aliens, for instance, with the triangular heads and big black eyes are a highly intelligent animal population --------but that is it. They do not carry the divine spark of free will. They do not have individual responsibility for their actions. They have only one soul for their whole dying race. And they will do anything to survive, even if they know it is futile to try. Their women are becoming sterile; so they cross- breed with us. But it won't work. At some point in their career, they failed to become human with one human soul per individual. Survival is not predicated on maintaining the status quo, but on evolution -------the transcending of boundaries, or limitations, where- ever it is possible. They may have outgrown their ability to evolve. That would put them at the end of the line -------a dead end. So an animal humanoid race might have selfish reasons for involving themselves with us, along with any magnanimity they may feel for helping out where possible. A humanoid could also be a god. Again, there is no personal karma; but with a god there is no imperfection, no mistakes. Only with the human crowned with eternity does personal responsibility weigh heavily. So the intent for these essays is to size up our past regrets, and avoid future repetitions of the past.
      Please keep in mind that planetary make-ups are unique to each planetary system. No two planets will be alike if their aesthetic systems are different. The outward sign of a planet's aesthetic system is its predominating salt. So if there is a planet in the Pleiades star system that some people claim to have originated from in prior lives, then it is possible, maybe even probable, that they hail from a sodium chloride world ----although not essential; it just helps. It makes adaptation a lot easier.
      The first three lists of a thousand- lettered alphabet are three different means to interpret the cosmic intellect. It purportedly is a study, not only of the mind of God (if God were incarnate in living flesh -------it already is as our Guardian Angel), or the minds of humans (if humans gained full access to their nervous systems upon gaining full enlightenment), but also the make-up of the cosmos. It serves as an inter- planar road-map to all of the planes and sub- planes to this very real dream the Almighty has fashioned us within. It is always referenced to the linguistic basis for any given being's domain of reality (and the logic basis that stems from its domain). So although it is a road- map of the whole of creation, it is in a languistic format that can be appreciated by its owner's nervous system. These maps, depicted as a set of triples for us, are located within the crown chakra. Although our mind is duality oriented, our "crown" Atma is trinity oriented.
      The last chink in this puzzle is more practically: how are planets formed with an integrated sense to life. Every fundamental aspect to a planet's existence is considered along with its relation towards its fellow solar- system planets. For instance, our sun sheds a light that is marked with spectroscopic lines in the sodium band. This doesn't mean that all planets within our solar system must be sodium salted worlds----- just that it might be a good idea to have a few. The means by which to discern how this integrating mechanism occurs is to start out with number theory. Certain polynomials seem to have distinct advantages in forming the basis for a planet's aesthetic theme. From this arises the planet's choice of: kalas (relational response towards diety's sub- functionality), sets of kalas (these are fairly standardized within our solar system), chakra and root language layout within any creature's nervous system as the non-crown system of chakras (the Sanskrit for that planet), and creature responsiveness geared towards a particular aesthetic make-up [color, sound, texture, angular and proportional relations, etc.]. Crown chakras are analized in the same format as any other planet within the same domain. [A domain is governed by a prime number of associative divisions of any given plane within a block of closely relevent planes. An example would be: the block of duality: physical, etheric, astral, conrete, and abstract mental --------each of these planes are internaly sub- related into dualistic comparitors: hot/cold, fat/skinny, smart/dumb, etc.; the block of trinity: soul and Guardian Angel ----------similarly, but as sets of triplet internal relations: a soul's conscience, for instance [what is the ideal thing to think, say or do in a given situation, what is the reality of the occurance (not how we would prefer to witness it as), and unconditional Love for just Being]; our Guardian Angel's linguistic basis [the three 'lists']]. It is the chakras other than the crown that layout the root of language unique to any given planet as we know it. They form a "sub- system" of the three lists that are supported (derived from) and defined (explained) in terms of. They define language and a planet's aesthetic system functionality in terms of what a partially enlightened human would experience if he, or she, were a Buddha. Don't get me wrong; a Buddha is a pretty darn evolved soul, but not fully a saint in the cosmic sense: never again to incarnate and become imbroiled in karma except as per choice.
      You will notice that I include all life forms on any given planet, regardless of their status of development. It is necessary to include the lesser forms, because all fellow creatures will have the potential to be affected in a similar manner -------the system of affectation will be the same as any other creature on that kind of world. To wit: when Krishna played his flute in the forest and the flowers miraculously bloomed, he would have needed to use a scale system that was indeginous (native) to our planet -------forget wondering if plants have intelligence enough to respond; this is purely a mechanical consideration -------but one that cannot be overlooked. [I'm sure they enjoyed the music just the same.] When solitary male humpback whales sing, they sing for the most part in a diatonic scale ------IN KEY. If a recording of their song is sped up at an appropriate speed, the song no longer sounds like that of a whale, but of a bird. Not only does the pitch parallel the speed of the melody appropriate to bird song, but the melodic pattern is recognizably that of a bird. Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porposes, etc.) did not originate on this planet (as given by esoteric historical narrative), but from the Pleiades several million years ago -------for what purpose I don't know; although their purpose is said to have been fulfilled. [This is why I guess that said planet may be the same as the planet that some people feel they have hailed from: a sodium chloride world. It would have made adaption by cetaceans automatic.]
      If I bore you to tears with too many Sanskrit word- concepts and eastern philosophy it is because I have a nudge against Rudyard Kipling's quote: "East is east, west is west, and never the twain shall meet." I hope to undo his saying. But then, many a scientist may also be wincing at my insistance to mixing mumbo- jumbo under an umbrella of scientific terminology hoping maybe that it will be protected from critical analysis by being so close. Somehow we will work out our seeming animosity and compulsion for seperatism once we get our sense of observation sufficiently expanded.

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