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          Astrology is a projection of polytheism from within, its anthropomorphic appreciation structured according to what kind of planet a nervous system evolves on. Our planet's aesthetic system of the golden mean favors a system of twelve signs, but ideally, theism's assets are expressed in a state of duality similar to yang/yin wherein each deity/quality gets a personal and impersonal status. The Supreme Being is an example. The Supreme can respond to prayers rendering aid in a manner that only the highest deity could offer, while Being is the stuff that all this relative and That Absolute is composed of. Ishwara/Purusha are the vedic name pairs for the Supreme/Being. They are one deity with two natures. Since our planet is not the common form exemplifying 16 qualities rather than our twelve, I'm still not sure what our twelve astrological signs represent out of the 16. (If you look in the I Ching, the eight trigrams are the 16 qualities, unified into pairs). We might be lacking the four qualities of the two main deities, the Supreme Being as well as Dharma/Kama, but I'm not certain.
          Astrology normally expresses itself in eight pairs of qualifications, such as what would have been on Mars and Maldek (what is left of Maldek is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter). It is a trade-off: the ideal condition of a full blossoming expression of all 16 major deific qualities is counter- balanced by the fact that its embodiment on a planet entails the use of an aesthetic system of proportion not entirely the most ideal. So the aesthetic sense suffers at the expense of a more favorable spiritual ideal. But I'm saying this using only two examples that I am aware of proportions actually in use: the sacred cut on Maldek and Mars and the golden mean here on earth.

Binary Code
1 Solid Line Yang Light
0 Broken Line Yin Dark

Binary Code Color System Trigram God Essential Nature English Equivalents
The Central Hub:
111 Light Ch'ien, Creative Ishwara Purusha Supreme Being
The Six Facets:
100 Lime Kên, Still Mountain Brahma Sattwa Creator Initiation
110 Magenta Sun, Penetrating Wood Vishnu Rajas Maintainer Existence
010 Cyan K'an, Abysmal Water Siva Tamas Destroyer Termination
101 Blue Li, Clinging Fire Ganesh Vata Wisdom Cold, Dry
011 Yellow Tui, Joyous Lake Uma Kapha Mother Divine/Nature Cold, Wet
001 Red Chên, Arousing Thunder Surya Pitta Power Hot
The Surrounding Coordination:
000 Dark K'un, Intelligence Dharma Kama Duty Desire

          These Sanskrit terms are not mantras, but merely help to organize our thinking about these conceptual matters. Mantras are sounds commited to producing a specific series of effects within the nervous system of the practitioner and within his or her local environment. The more subtle the state of the mind engaging in the process of deep meditation on a sound or other sensory object, the more powerful is the result ---- be it good, bad, or indifferent ----- so, user beware.
          Dharma has no english equivalent, but has been variously translated as: duty, support of Almighty Force of Nature, That which supports evolution, etc.
          Rajas is the yang of manifestation, while tamas and sattwa are the same yin/lull phase but each has a different appearance with respect to the prior and succeeding yang surges, respectively. The three make a cycle of phases to the process of changing existence along with transcendental unity that permiates all three. Change occurs in the lull between two successive surges to a wave of existence, but is not appreciated until the succeeding surge arises giving contrast to the former surge within time. Yang's positivity is the reference; yin gains meaning only with respect to yang. This is how these three gunas can come out of diurnally phasing manisfestation.

the cycling gunas, interpreted with respect to changing existence:
rajas ==> tamas ==> sattwa ==> rajas ==> etc.....
existence ==> termination initiation existence ==> etc.....
(non-existence) ==>

          The color systems are our familiar light and pigment primaries. Thus, although red is perched complimentary to lime, they are not on the same plane of consideration. Light and pigments are two different materials and result in two different sets of results upon blending. The three gunas and three doshas reflect this dualism being parallel systems of units existing within their own spheres of influence.
          Mars and Maldek used the Pell ratio: one plus/minus the square root of two, something the Romans were into occasionally since it emanates from the shortest width of an octagon in proportion to its side ---- they had an affinity for octagonal buildings.
          But for a sodium chloride world, a reworking of six of the eight impersonal natures, with a more favorable aesthetic proportion of undeniably gifted assets (the proportion of a pentagon's side relative to its diagonal, or one plus/minus the square root of five and the whole mess divided by two {although you can ignore the sign of the resulting value since sign doesn't affect proportion, it's just for computational purposes}).
          The sequence of doshas parallels the sequence of gunas: kapha, vata, pita, with kapha alternating between active yang and dormant yin:

the three gunas:
rajas existence mutable
tamas termination fixed
sattwa initiation cardinal
the three doshas become four elements:
(kapha's two qualities split into two elements)
kapha/yang water
kapha/yin earth
vata air
pitta fire

          The signs are best read backwards, since they proceed downwards in vibration. This is the way they are laid out on the chromatic music scale:

Chromatic Note Guna Combined with Dosha
(Quality plus Element)
Astrological Sign
B natural
A natural
G natural
rajas + kapha/yang
tamas + vata
sattwa + kapha/yin
mutable + water
fixed + air
cardinal + earth
F natural
E natural
D natural
rajas + pitta
tamas + kapha/yang
sattwa + vata
mutable + fire
fixed + water
cardinal + air
C natural
A sharp
G sharp
rajas + kapha/yin
tamas + pitta
sattwa + kapha/yang
mutable + earth
fixed + fire
cardinal + water
F sharp
D sharp
C sharp
rajas + vata
tamas + kapha/yin
sattwa + pitta
mutable + air
fixed + earth
cardinal + fire

          Astrology and the I Ching are unfortunately under- estimations when used merely as forecast tools. When we no longer look within for our guidance, we seek confirmation from without for what we already believe within. Thus, the Gods have become mere animals or natural elements for the most part, when in reality they are equivalent to our better self natures whether they be personable or essential.

Please refer to: The Guardian Atma for more information on the subject of Polytheism.

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