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Glossary of Terms

Planetary Anthropology:
The study of life on other planets using whatever means available.
Cosmic Intelligence:
The organizing principle of nature.
Aesthetic Linguistics:
The study of language at its root=Sanskrit, common to all life forms, but unique to each planet.
Literally: well formed; the functional logic available for thought processes.
To cyclically repeat a block of steps and self-loop back to the beginning, endlessly.
Golden Beautiful:
An aesthetic term describing an infinite subclass of polynomials and their roots based on criteria elucidated with the Euclidean algorithm.
The Euclidean algorithm:
You've seen endless decimal fractions-----well this similarly appearing device depicts numbers, whole or not, as an endless repetition of a few simple arithmetic events.
Although the quadratic Euclidean algorithm can be derived from any quadratic polynomial, higher degrees of this algorithm cannot be. This lends the objection: "What good can extension be?" Well, very good, but only for golden beautiful polynomials. All others are a wasted effort, although there is some utility for using this for finding the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of sets of numbers. The derivation of linear (first-degree) Euclidean algorithms are inferred from higher degrees. They are not too important except to hint at continuity. Their existence is elusive for their utter simplicity.
Literally from the Sanskrit: "wheel" of: light, tongues of flame, or flower petals; from the root verb "char"=to move; are intimately associated with kalas; are an aggregate of functions, or siddhi "powers".
Literally from the Sanskrit: "time"; is primarily geared to expressing Diety in its multiple forms; is the root of astrology.
Literally from the Sanskrit: "supernormal, or paranormal, power". It is often admonished that siddhis should be gained naturally as a byproduct to spiritual growth as opposed to primarily seeking them. What is often overlooked are the normal siddhis we already use. These are deemed "socially" exceptable, because we have developed the necessary cultural skills to deal with them and their consequences. Siddhis are not leveraged directly by us, they are accessed indirectly through character. Siddhis manifest parallels of themselves in many ways: in the psyche as characteristic virtues, in the body as functional virtues. Don't expect either without the other----for example, honesty gives one the privilege to know all things to the extent of one's sincerity [and individual virtues can only be developed within the limit imposed upon them by the development of an individual's consciousness].
Is a visualization mantra. Mantras are key-words which help one to remember the different steps of the yagyas. The "master" (acharya) is the custodian of the knowledge of the mantras and is there to answer all objections raised against them. The mantras exist to help the performance of the yagya: there is a different mantra at every step. During the process of the yagya, the master speaks the mantra, and in accordance with that others perform actons. In the Gita, Duryodhana 'approached his master' in order to receive the right word (mantra) of action from him. In preparation for meditation, the initiate receives the correct tool (mantra) to perform that feature of evolution pertaining to transcendance: the greatest yagya. Even non-action has to be sought through right action for its attainment.
[French acquiescer, Latin acquiescere, to rest, to acquiesce ------ ad (to, and) + quiescere (to be quiet)] The act or state of: apparent or restful satisfaction (without opposition or discontent), (quiet or passive) yielding agreeable assent; in law >> the neglect of legal action for such a time as to imply the abandonment of a right (outside the confines of legal stipulation and mental stubbornness, abandonment is only for as long as chosen; the longer the assent, the greater is the sense of the abandonment of free will).
The alphabet of sounds that compose a language, as contrasted to its alphabet of written script.
Duotony: [doo · ah · tuh · nee]
Tedium resulting from repeated alternation between the same old values. Old is to distinguish here as out of place and inefficient for the present situation. The resulting tedium is thus a foregone conclusion. Compare with monotony.
To boot:
Ergo: also, as well. I'm not sure if "to" is supposed to be spelled "too" or "two" since I learned this phrase in common speech where the spelling and derivation are not obvious.
Latin for "therefore", although I really mean to say: "translates as", but it sounds nice.
Sanskrit for Life Energy, or Aether. The scientists of the 1800's looked for it in the wrong place, and failing to find it, considered it a hoax. It lies just beyond the electro- magnetic bandwidth. Bandwidths are seperated by gaps in vibratory rate to help diminish the ability to easily cross- over. Prana is the dynamic quality to matter's vibration. Matter would be virtual without it, for without vibration, matter's functional aspect, change in spacial positions and such, would lie dormant in space. Matter without prana still retains its structure, though in a kind of sleep: the night of Brahma, "pralaya" --- 2.2 quadrillion years long, is when the minimum energy necessary for change to occur: Planck's constant, is increased. Since the energy of a system doesn't change, increasing this minimum forces change to stop dead in its tracks until the day of Brahma returns. This night affords the universe its release of accumulated entropy along with its energy. When energy returns it will be associated strictly with its structural counter- parts leaving out entropy at the inception of this new "day". Excess energy will in effect be returned to the aether cleaning up the electro- magnetic spectrum, the physical plane, of energetic garbage.