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approximates Approximates:
    6 approximates 6.000001

not equal to Not Equal To:
    0 not equal to 1

± Plus or Minus:
    1 ± 2 = +3 or minus1

|Absolute Value|:
    |±1| = +1

× Times:
    2 × 3 = 6

divided by or /, Divided By:
    3 divided by1 = 3 = 3 / 1

plus/minus Plus/Minus, and minus/plus Minus/Plus Pairings: Factors of Polynomials:
    When only one occurs in an equation, then that term takes any sign.
    When two or more occur, then terms with the same symbol take
    the same sign; unlike symbols take the opposite sign. For example:
   plus/minus2  × minus/plus3 = minus6     not equal to    plus/minus2  × plus/minus3 = +6,   will produce either:
    +2   ×  minus3  = minus6     not equal to     +2   ×  +3  = +6,   or:
    minus2  ×  +3   = minus6     not equal to     minus2   × minus3  = +6

^ Exponentiation (Raise to a power of ?):
    3^2 = 32 = 9

square root, or {} The Square Root of:
    square root9 = {9} = ±3

. . .  An Unending Decimal Fraction:
    1 divided by 3 approximates 0.333333 . . . 

. . .  Or A Continuing Progression:
    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . 

infinity Infinity:
    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . , infinity

Order of Precedence within a Calculation:
    First: (), {}     Second: ^, square root     Third: ×, divided by, /     Fourth: +, -, ±,minus/plus

() & {} Taking the Order of Precedence out of order by calculating it
    from the inner-most parenthesis/bracket out:
    {(1 + 2) × 3} × 2 = ±6 not equal to 1 + 2 × 3 × 2 = 13