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Early Research Source Files

          Create a directory architecture that is:
source files (or some other name)	directory			zip file: extract to Qb71 directory			zip file: extract to Qbasic directory
	readme.html			html file found within either "source_?.zip" file below			zip file: extract to text directory			zip file: extract to qbas directory
	text				directory
		assorted		text files (37)
	qbas				directory
		assorted		bas files (195)
Use either:
		Qb71			directory
			Qb71 program	files (42) dated: 1997
		Qbasic			directory
			Qbasic program	files (2) dated: 1994
Or both.
          Download (2.4 megabytes) this August 17, 1997 version of MSDOS Q(uick)- Basic that I have used within Windows 95 in a zipped packet. Or choose an earlier version dated May 31, 1994 (at 294 kilobytes). Or choose from among several different versions. Place each Q-Basic program file into its own sub- directory of the "qbas" directory. By keeping the Q-Basic program files out of the "qbas" directory, it will be possible to view the ".bas" files as texts within a browser by using readme.html without being interrupted by the Windows operating system asking whether you want to open the file by launching the Q-Basic program or save it to disk! Create a shortcut to "Qbasic.exe" or "Qbx.exe" (do not use the shortcut that is provided within the file) and place it in the Program Files / Applications sub- directory. Maybe place another shortcut on the desktop. Place these source text (250 kilobytes) files in the sub- directory "text" and these Q-Basic (166 kilobytes) files in the sub- directory named: "qbas".
          Preview each source file below:

Text Files

bibliography.txt, div2.txt, divis1.txt, division.txt, essays.txt, euclid.bak.txt, euclid.txt, fifth.bak.txt, fifth.txt, first.txt, fourth.txt, golden.txt, golden1.txt, goldroot.bak.txt, goldroot.txt, goldrut1.bak.txt, goldrut1.txt, harmony.txt, hybrid.txt, infinity.txt, latin_quote.txt, make_muse.txt, maya.txt, nature.txt, outline.txt, phi7.txt, phi7a.txt, phi7m.bak.txt, phi7m.txt, phi8.txt, planet.txt, references.txt, second.txt, sixth.txt, synopsis.txt, thayer1.txt, third.txt

QBasic Files

          These files were developed under a still older DOS version of a non-windows QBasic application. They were then transferred from their 5 1/4 inch floppies to 3 1/2, so they may have unnecessary characters inserted into them that may cause run- time errors. I haven't tested them under Windows Visual QBasic. ".bak" extensioned files are in many cases different from their ".bas" counterparts since my computer was updating my working copy every ten minutes as I worked at editing it. So the ".bas" file may be a more recent version than the ".bak" version. [FYI: depressing both the control (Ctrl) and Pause / Break keys will terminate a program before it quits.] Programs worth looking into are italized.

12630POW.BAS, 14-GON.BAS, 2HYB2BEA.BAS, 2HYB3BEA.BAS, 3GEOSERS.BAK, 3GEOSERS.BAS, 3HYB3BEA.BAS, 3HYB4BEA.BAS, ?3TRMPOW.BAS, ?4DEGSRCH.BAS, 4GEOSERS.BAS, 4HYB1.SEQ, 4HYB2.SEQ, 4HYB3.SEQ, 4HYB4.SEQ, 4HYB4BEA.BAS, 4HYB5.SEQ, 4HYB5BEA.BAS, 4POWSRCH.BAS, 4TRMPOW.BAS, 5GEOSERS.BAK, 5GEOSERS.BAS, 620SRCH.BAS, 630SRCH.BAS, 6BEASRCH.BAS, 6POWSRCH.BAS, 8POWSRCH.BAS, 930SRCH.BAS, ARKORD0.BAS, ARKORD1.BAS, ARKORD2.BAS, ARKORD3.BAS, ARKORD4.BAS is best for printouts, BASECONV.BAS, BCMOD.BAS a fun program for guessing prime factorizations of composite numbers, BCSERIES.BAS, BESTFT3.BAS, BUGSY1.BAS for depicting pure temperament notes of a golden ratioed planet, BUGZY.BAS for depicting pure temperament notes of a Pell ratioed planet, CELEST.BAS produces the second - or middle - algebraic series of a cubic golden beautiful polynomial, CF3.BAS, CFS.BAS, CONNIE.BAS produces standard (quadratic) continued fractions of the roots of integers, CONTFRA3.BAS tests how well continued fractions can be used to find the real roots of cubic polynomials, CUBESER.BAS input a number and it will display the first cubic polynomial that it can find with the number as one of its roots; it will then display the other two roots and beep if they are complex, CUBTAB.BAS I don't know what this is trying to do --- but it looks pretty interesting, DODE.BAS another interesting enigma, Dode1.bas, E.BAS, EBASNUM.BAS looks like some sort of use of the standard quadratic Euclidean algorythm, EEZY.BAK, EEZY.BAS, EQTEMP.BAS, EUDIV.BAS, EUMUSE.BAS plays pure temperament approximations of a few equal temperament chromatic scales, EUREKA.BAS displays the absolute value roots and their reciprocals of the golden beautiful cubic, EUROOT.BAS, Eumuse1.bas, FAITH.BAS, FOOL.BAS, FRACT.BAK, FRACT.BAS, GCDTEST.BAS, GEOSERYS.BAS, GOLDBEA6.BAS, GOLDHEX.BAS, GOLDMUSE.BAS, GOOSMUSE.BAS, HEPTASOL.BAS, HEXAPI.BAS, HYB1POLG.BAS, HYB2POLG.BAK, HYB3BEA.BAS, HYB3BEAP.BAS, HYB3BEAT.BAS, HYB4BEA.BAS, HYB4BEAT.BAS, HYB4BEAU.BAS, III1A.BAS, III1B.BAS, III1C.BAS, III1D.BAS, III1E'.BAS, III1E.BAS, INFINACI.BAS, LEIBNIZ.BAS, LOG.BAS, LOGIC.BAS, LOGIC2.BAK, LOGIC2.BAS, LUCAS3.BAS, MATHSUB.BAS, MUSIC2.BAS, MUSIC2A.BAS, MUSIC2B.BAS, MUSIC3.BAS, MUSIC3A.BAS, MUSICA.BAS, NEWTRDY.BAS, NTRVLTAB.BAS, NWTARDY.BAS, OCTAPOLY.BAS, PERFNUM.BAS, PHI3.BAS, PHIMUSE.BAS, PHIMUSE1.BAK, PHIMUSE1.BAS, PHISCALE.BAS, PHOEBE.BAK, PHOEBE.BAS, PI1.BAS, PIANEW.BAS, PIEUCLID.BAS, PIMAKE.BAS, PITCH.BAS, PITCH2.BAS, PITEST.BAS, POWRAT.BAS, PREEMEE.BAS, PRIM1.BAS, PRIM2.BAS, PRIM3.BAS, PRIMELOG.BAS, PRIMFACT.BAS, PRIMFAQ.BAS, PRIMSER.BAS, PTAHLOOK.BAS, PURRFECT.BAS, Purrfect1.bas, QUADSER.BAS, QUIK1.BAS, QUOT.BAS, RAD3.BAS, RAD3SRCH.BAS, radiphi.bak.bas, radiphi.bas, RADIPHI1.BAK, RADIPHI1.BAS, RADMETH.BAS, RADPHI.BAS, RAFFY.BAS, RANFIT.BAS, RANMUSE.BAS, RATIOQUA.BAS, RATIOS.BAS, ROOTTAB.BAS, RUTES.BAS, Radiphi2.bas, Radiphi3.bas, Raffy1.bas, s&r.bas, SALTPLAN.BAS, SCALE.BAS, SCURVY.BAS, SEARCH3.BAS, SEQFILE.BAS, SERIAL.BAS, SPAM.BAS, SPOON.BAS, SQRTAB.BAS, SRIALPRO.BAS, SYNMULCO.BAS, T&EAPP.BAS, TABLE.BAS, TABLE1.BAK, TABLE1.BAS, TABLE2.BAS, TABLE3.BAS, TARDY.BAS, TEST.BAS, TESTHEAR.BAS, TESTHYB4.BAS, TESTKUB.BAS, TIRDY.BAS, TRADSCA.BAS, TRANS.BAS, TRANS1.BAS, TRANS3.BAS, TRIBONAC.BAS, TRITON.BAS, TSTHEAR1.BAS, TSTHEAR2.BAS, Table1a.bas, UPDOWN.BAS, UPDOWN1.BAS, YUCK.BAS, eudiv.bak.bas, euroot.bak.bas, pi.bak.bas, pianew.bak.bas, pieuclid.bak.bas, pimake.bak.bas, goldnumb.bas produces a table of golden polynomials' roots, angles / phase relations, and cooresponding polygons, puretemp.bas, factmult.bas